Neurology Updates

Neurology Updates

Here you will find regular scientific news from our Scientific Panels. We cover all areas of neurology, including rare diseases. The most recent news are displayed below. You will find all news of different areas sorted into the subsections of the respective scientific panel. Enjoy reading!

Process for SP Submissions

If you want to submit a neurology update for your scientific panel, please find related information here:

| Rare Neurological Diseases | Sleep disorders  

The study validated a screening questionnaire for pediatric narcolepsy, which showed high sensitivity and specificity in identifying affected…

| Sleep disorders  

This multicenter study identified the strongest progressors among predictive biomarkers of neurodegeneration in individuals with iRBD and tried to…

| Infectious diseases  

The B cell-attracting chemokine CXCL13 has shown to be a useful and reliable test in addition to serology for the diagnosis of the acute Lyme…

| Infectious diseases  

Metformin, combined with antibiotic treatment may be a promising therapeutic option to prevent neurologic sequelae after pneumococcal meningitis.

| Neurosonology  

A bone/cartilage-associated stroke etiology (bony stroke) is rare, but should be considered in patients with recurrent cryptogenic strokes affecting a…

| Stroke  

Two recent randomized clinical trials showed that thrombectomy is beneficial for patients with stroke with basilar artery occlusion among patients…

| Higher Cortical Functions  

The motor homunculus is composed by motor specific concentric regions, organized concentrically, intermingled with inter-effector integrating areas…

| Sleep disorders  

The meta-analysis investigated the association between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and dementia risk and found a significant association between OSA…

| Sleep disorders  

Alterations of REM sleep microstructure are associated with greater neurodegeneration and neocortical amyloid deposition in older adults.

| Multiple Sclerosis  

2023 revision of RIS diagnostic criteria expanding the spectrum of RIS.

| Multiple Sclerosis  

Dimethyl fumarate in RIS delays clinical conversion to MS.

| Clinical neurophysiology  

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive technique for stimulating the human brain, currently used in the diagnosis and monitoring of…
