G7 Health Ministers' Meeting - Side Event

In collaboration with the Italian Brain Health Strategy Partners, Italian Society of Neurology

Prioritising Brain Health: A Global Imperative for Public Health 

8 October 2024, 09:00 -13:00 CEST

This side event, held alongside the G7 Meeting of Health Ministers, aims to spotlight the critical importance of brain health as a central component of public health strategies for all countries. As neurological disorders and mental health issues become increasingly prevalent worldwide, the need to prioritise brain health has never been more urgent. The event will convene leading experts and policymakers to discuss innovative approaches, share best practices, and outline strategic frameworks for integrating brain health into national and global health policies.  

By focusing on awareness, education, promotion, prevention and strategic planning, this G7 side event seeks to foster an understanding of brain health's importance to social and health policy and how to plan and raise awareness at national and global levels so as to increase global health and reduce the burden of mental and neurological disorders The event is part of the EAN Brain Health Summits that foster European and global awareness on the importance of including brain health within the health priorities of all countries as well as consider prevention . G7 Leaders, together with all world leaders, can play their part by declaring Brain Health (neurological, mental, social) a top priority, by coordinating policies and by taking a One Health approach with brain health at the centre of healthcare systems, policies and interventions. 



09:00-10:00Arrival & Coffee, Light Breakfast 
10:00-10:15 Welcome Address
 Nicola Baiocchi, President Regional Commission on Health and Welfare of Regione Marche
Elena Moro, President European Academy of Neurology
Alessandro Padovani, President Italian Society of Neurology 
10:15-10:30The ONE HEALTH approach to improve brain and global health
 Giovanni Leonardi, Italian Ministry of Health, Italy
10.30-10.45Changing the Mindset:
Brain Health at the Centre and as a key agenda point for Ministries of Health
 Vladimir Hachiniski, Past President of the World Federation of Neurology, Canada 
10:45-11:30Panel Discussion 
The New Mindset: Planning for Brain Health at National Level 

Moderator: Matilde Leonardi 

  • Claudio Bassetti, Swiss Brain Health Plan, Switzerland 
  • Reetta Kälviäinen, Finnish Brain Health Initiative, Finland 
  • Jana Midelfart-Hoff, Norwegian Brain Health Plan, Norway 
  • Alessandro Padovani, Italian Brain Health Strategy, Italy
  • Matilde Leonardi, Brain Health Initiatives in Europe and Internationally  
11: 30-11:45 The Brain Health Mission: Raising Awareness & Educating 
 Paul Boon, EAN Brain Health Mission Coordinator   
11:45-12.00 Brain health at the centre of healthcare systems, policies and interventions 
Open Discusion
12:00-12:30Concluding remarks
From Italy towards a global coordinated action for Brain Health
 Elena Moro, EAN President 

Event Details

8 October 2024
09:00 - 13:00 CEST


Sala del Consiglio Comunale,
Largo XXIV Maggio 1,
Ancona, Italy 

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