
About the eanCampus

eanCampus is a comprehensive e-Learning platform offering over 2,000 neurology-focused resources, freely accessible to all EAN Individual and Associate Members. Covering all EAN Scientific and Coordinating topics, the content is organized into Basic, Advanced, and Expert levels.

The platform provides a variety of learning materials, including webcasts from previous events, interactive case studies, clinical skills courses, and more. Regular learning opportunities include monthly Webinars, Interactive Master Classes (held twice a year on four topics), and the eanCast: Weekly Neurology podcast.

Learners can earn points by completing content, which helps them unlock badges in specific topics and levels. Once enough points are collected, learners can take a Capstone Exam to demonstrate their expertise. With points awarded for every minute of learning, users can climb to the top of the global leaderboard while deepening their understanding of neurology.

"The eanCampus is always available – wherever you are and whatever you do. It enables the perfect life-long learning in Neurology."
Barbara Tettenborne-Learning Editor-in-Chief
"The eanCampus does not only offer self-paced learning but also deeply integrates interactive elements. It is not only a classroom, but also a virtual clinic that allows you to solve tricky real-life cases from your fields of interest."
Marian Galovice-Learning Associate Editor
"Great flexibility of the platform enables the members to set their own learning pace offering a wide selection of all subspecialities with individualized topics of interests and customized schedule that fits one’s agenda."
Yildiz Degirmencie-Learning Associate Editor
"The eanCampus is the Future of Education."
Simon Junge-Learning Associate Editor
"From young inexperienced trainees to expert neurologists, as the platform content covers all experience levels."
Simona Balestrinie-Learning Associate Editor

The Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und Medien e.V (Society for pedagogic, information and media) found the eanCampus worthy of both the Comenius-EduMedia-Seal and the Comenius-EduMedia-Medal for excellence in e-Learning.

Associate Members

eanCampus extends access to Associate Members.
Join us and start learning!

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EAN Membership

If you are not an EAN Member yet, please browse the EAN membership information and contact membership(at)ean.org.

Contact us

Questions or feedback related to eanCampus content, webinars or virtual master classes, please contact elearning(at)ean.org