Guidelines open for members' comment

This is a members-only section.

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The draft of the guideline will be available on the website for a 15-day comment period for EAN members only.

We kindly ask you to take your time to read the guideline. The purpose of making the guideline available to EAN members prior to publication, is to solicit feedback to the guideline task force which have developed the guideline.

Most guideline are not able to address all question which may be relevant to a guideline topic, and addition of more questions at this stage of a guideline is almost never possible. Therefore, we especially ask members to consider other aspects such as whether important evidence is missing, interpretation of the evidence including the GRADE process, unclear recommendations or formulations etc.

The comments will be reviewed by the task force before a final guideline is published.
The final guideline will be available in the EAN Guideline Reference Centre.

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