Resident’s Reading List

Scientific Panels Submissions

Resident’s Reading List

For many neurological conditions there are guidelines and expert statements available. Journals focus on trainees teaching topics (e.g. practical neurology). Furthermore, there are many reviews on clinical issues of variable quality.

The aim is to build a reading list of high-quality and up-to-date reviews on core neurology curriculum areas for reading across Europe. The focus should be clinical and practical, to guide neurology trainees learning their trade in optimal standards of diagnosis, investigation and management in daily clinical practice.

You can find below a list of reviews, recommended by the EAN Scientific Panels.

EAN Scientific Panels

Type Title of publicationLink
Practice GuidelineRecommendations for tilt table testing and other provocative cardiovascular autonomic tests in conditions that may cause transient loss of consciousness : Consensus statement of the European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS) endorsed by the American Autonomic Society (AAS) and the European Academy of Neurology (EAN)Link
Practice GuidelineElectrodiagnostic assessment of the autonomic nervous system: A consensus statement endorsed by the American Autonomic Society, American Academy of Neurology, and the International Federation of Clinical NeurophysiologyLink
Practice GuidelineConsensus statement on the definition of neurogenic supine hypertension in cardiovascular autonomic failure by the American Autonomic Society (AAS) and the European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS) : Endorsed by the European Academy of NeurologyLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
Practice Guideline272nd ENMC international workshop: 10 Years of progress - revision of the ENMC 2013 diagnostic criteria for inclusion body myositis and clinical trial readiness. 16–18 June 2023, Hoofddorp, The NetherlandsLink
TextbookNew Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology – Volume 2: Clinical Neurophysiology of Motor Neuron DiseasesLink
ReviewRecent advances in neuroanatomy: the myotome updateLink
TypeTitle of publicationLink
Systematic ReviewWhat names for covert awareness? A systematic reviewLink
ReviewUpdate on neuroimaging in disorders of consciousnessLink
ReviewTherapies to Restore Consciousness in Patients with Severe Brain Injuries: A Gap Analysis and Future Directions.Link
Practice GuidelineEuropean Academy of Neurology guideline on the diagnosis of coma and other disorders of consciousnessLink
ReviewMedical comorbidities in patients with prolonged disorder of consciousness: A narrative reviewLink
ReviewComa Prognostication After Acute Brain Injury: A ReviewLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
ReviewPresurgical evaluation of epilepsyLink
Systematic ReviewEpilepsy, antiepileptic drugs, and aggression.Link
ReviewPrinciples of drug treatment in adultsLink
Systematic ReviewSeizures as adverse events of antibiotic drugs A systematic reviewLink
Systematic ReviewAcute Systemic Complications of Convulsive Status Epilepticus—A Systematic ReviewLink
ReviewImmune Mechanisms in Epileptogenesis: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Epilepsy SyndromesLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
ReviewThe cortical organization of speech processingLink
ReviewA revised limbic system model for memory, emotion and behaviourLink
ReviewIlliterate to literate: behavioural and cerebral changes induced by reading acquisitionLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
ReviewHerpes simplex virus encephalitis updateLink
ReviewFlaviviruses and the Central Nervous System: Revisiting Neuropathological ConceptsLink
ReviewAn update on bacterial brain abscess in immunocompetent patientsLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
Review2021 MAGNIMS-CMSC-NAIMS consensus recommendations on the use of MRI in patients with multiple sclerosisLink
ReviewAn overview on disease modifying and symptomatic drug treatments for multiple sclerosisLink
ReviewMultiple sclerosisLink
TypeTitle of publicationLink
Practice GuidelineInternational Consensus Guidance for Management of Myasthenia GravisLink
ReviewInflammatory MyopathiesLink
Practice GuidelineEFNS guidelines on the diagnostic approach to pauci- or asymptomatic hyperCKemiaLink
TypeTitle of publicationLink
ReviewEnd-of-Life Practices in European Intensive Care Units: The Ethicus StudyLink
Review Variations in end-of-life practices in intensive care units worldwide (Ethicus-2): a prospective observational studyLink
Practice GuidelineDetermination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic CriteriaLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
Practice GuidelineThe PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviewsLink
ReviewThe global burden of neurological disorders: translating evidence into policyLink
HandbookCochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of InterventionsLink
Practice GuidelineDevelopment of the standards of reporting of neurological disorders (STROND) checklist: a guideline for the reporting of incidence and prevalence studies in neuroepidemiologyLink
ReviewMendelian Randomization Applied to NeurologyLink
TextbookEpidemiology for the clinical neurologistLink


Type Title of publicationLink
Practice GuidelineThe radiologically isolated syndrome: revised diagnostic criteriaLink
ReviewRadiologically Isolated Syndrome: A Review for NeuroradiologistsLink
CommentaryManagement Approaches in Radiographically Isolated SyndromeLink
ReviewNeuroimaging of epilepsyLink
ReviewCurrent Clinical Brain Tumor ImagingLink
ReviewOverview of Imaging Modalities in StrokeLink
ReviewThe utility of neuroimaging in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonian syndromesLink
ReviewThe use of neuroimaging techniques in the early and differential diagnosis of dementiaLink
ReviewAssessment of lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis: practical guidelinesLink
TypeTitle of publicationLink
ArticleUpdated Diagnostic Criteria for Paraneoplastic Neurologic SyndromesLink
ReviewOrigins and immunopathogenesis of autoimmune central nervous system disordersLink
ReviewCell-based therapies for neurological disorders — the bioreactor hypothesisLink
ReviewAntibodies in Autoimmune Neuropathies What to Test, How to Test, Why to TestLink
Systematic ReviewAssociation of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors With Neurologic Adverse Events A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisLink
Commentary Diagnostic criteria for autoimmune encephalitis: utility and pitfalls for antibody-negative diseaseLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
GuidelineEANO guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of diffuse gliomas of adulthoodLink
ReviewPrimary central nervous system lymphoma – Nature Reviews Disease PrimersLink
GuidelineEANO - EURACAN - SNO Guidelines on circumscribed astrocytic gliomas, glioneuronal, and neuronal tumorsLink


TypeTitle of publicationLink
Practice GuidelinePoint-of-Care Ultrasound in Neurology - Report of the EAN SPN/ESNCH/ERcNsono Neuro-POCUS Working GroupLink
CommentaryDiagnostic Ultrasonography in NeurologyLink
ReviewThe Role of Neurosonology in the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Carotid Artery Disease: A ReviewLink


Type Title of publicationLink
ReviewPainful diabetic polyneuropathyLink
ReviewA Literature Review: The Mechanisms and Treatment of Neuropathic Pain—A Brief DiscussionLink
ReviewTrigeminal Postherpetic Neuralgia: From Pathophysiology to TreatmentLink
Type Title of publicationLink
ReviewBede P, Oliver D, Stodart J, van den Berg L, Simmons Z, O’Brannagain D, Borasio GD, Hardiman O. Palliative care in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a review of current international guidelines and initiatives. J NeurolLink
Practice GuidelineCreutzfeldt CJ, Robinson MT, Holloway RG. Neurologists as palliative care providers. Communication and practice approaches. Neurology. 2016; 6: 40-48.Link
Practice GuidelineEnd of life care in long term neurological conditions: a framework for implementation. National End of Life Care Programme 2010.Link
ReviewGofton TE, Chum M, Schultz V et al. Challenges facing palliative neurology practice: A qualitative analysis. J Neurol Sci 2018; 385: 225-231.Link
ReviewHussain J, Adams D, Allgar V, Campbell C. Triggers in advanced neurological conditions: prediction and management of the terminal phase. BMJ Supp Palliat Care 2014; 4: 30-37.Link
Practice GuidelineLatorraca COC, Martimbianco ALC, Pachito DV, et al. Palliative care interventions for people with multiple sclerosis. Cochrane Database of systematic Reviews 2019 (10): Art. No. CD012936.Link
ReviewNeudert C, Oliver D, Wasner M, Borasio GD. The course of the terminal phase in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 2001; 248: 612-616.Link
Systematic ReviewOliver DJ, Borasio GD, Caraceni A, de Visser M, Grisold W, Lorenzl S, Veronese S, Voltz R. A consensus review on the development of palliative care for patients with chronic and progressive neurological disease.Link
Practice GuidelineRietjens JAC, Sudore RL, Connolly M, van Delden JJ, Drickamer MA, Droger M, et al. Definition and recommendations for advance care planning: an international consensus supported by the European AssociationLink
ReviewWiblin L, Lee M, Burn D. Palliative care and its emerging role in Multiple Systems Atrophy and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Parkinsonism Relat Disorders 2017; 34: 7-14.Link
TextbookOliver D, Veronese S. Palliative care in Neurodegenerative disease. In: MacLeod R., van den Block L. (eds) Textbook of Palliative Care 2nd edition. 2024 Springer, ChamLink
TextbookOliver D, Veronese S. Oliver D, Veronese S. The Management of Neurological Symptoms in Palliative Care. In: MacLeod R., van den Block L. (eds) Textbook of Palliative Care 2nd edition. 2024 Springer, ChamLink
Practice GuidelineSolari A, Giordanoa A, Sastre-Garriga J, Kopke S, Rahn AC, Kleiter I, Aleksovska K, Battaglia MA, Bay J, Copetti M, Drulovic J, Kooij L, Mens J, Meza Murillo ER, Milanov I, Milo R, Pekmezovic T, Vosburgh J, Silber E,Link
ReviewOliver DJ. Neurological palliative care — who, how, when? Palliat Med Pract 2020; 14 (2): 75-77.Link
ReviewOliver D, Veronese S. What is the role and evidence for palliative care for people with neurological disease? Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 2021; 23: 152-157.Link
ReviewOliver D, Veronese S. Ethical issues in neurological palliative care. Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 2022; 24: 1-7.Link
ReviewOliver D. Neuropalliative care: Defining an emerging field. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 2022; 190: 17-31. Doi 10.1016/B978-0-323-85029-2.0008-7Link
ReviewKluger BM, Hudson P, Hanson LC, Bužgová R, Creutzfeldt CJ, Gursahani R, Sumrall M, White C, Oliver DJ, Pantilat SZ, Miyasaki J. Palliative care to support the needs of adults with neurological disease. LancetLink
TypeTitle of publicationLink
ReviewIntracerebral haemorrhageLink
ReviewDiagnosis and Management of Transient Ischemic Attack and Acute Ischemic StrokeLink
Systematic ReviewThrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke: current status and future perspectivesLink