
Sustainability @ EAN

What does Sustainability mean to us

We have a responsibility to current and future generations to conserve resources and improve quality of life. It is great that sustainability has become an important topic for medical associations. Sustainable approaches to business are essential if we want to have a positive impact on our environment, society, and economy.

It is also a personal responsibility to act sustainably. That is why I believe it is important to discuss sustainable approaches in the daily working environment and challenge people with the topic in order to become innovative and find new solutions. 

At the EAN we have been acting sustainably for a very long time and we try to involve everyone, as we feel that sustainability is closely connected with equity. Everything is closely connected and wherever you start, it will have an effect. 

For us, sustainable action is not a trend, but a permanent requirement in all fields and on all levels!

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What we do at our office

  • Using green electricity: AEE “Naturstrom” with certificate 
  • Organic and eco products: We use eco-paper for all printouts, and mainly use ecofriendly cleaning products in the office. We also buy only organic or fairtrade products for common use, such as tea, coffee, milk, etc.  
  • Waste separation: We separate our waste according to the specifications of the MA48 and in addition we have a bio-waste that is recycled in our worm box and is converted into fertilizer for our plants. 
  • Quality & Archive: Processes and knowledge are archived in order to pass it on. Processes are questioned and constantly evaluated. 
  • Environmental Social Governance criteria: these are included in the analysis of securities to consider and evaluate social, environmental and ethical consequences of investments in companies and countries. 
  • Central location of the office: good accessibility, it encourages driving by public transport.
  • Omit printing material: Relocation of printing funds (3000€) to travel bursaries for ean Schools. 2x 500€ more per Spring / Autumn and Science School

To read the EAN Sustainability Report 2024, click here

What we do at our events

  • Education: Transfer of knowledge throughout the world 
  • Workforce: Students are encouraged to gain work experience 
  • Quality Management: Events and processes´ quality is questioned and constantly evaluated.
  • Archived: Processes and knowledge are archived in order to pass it on
  • Renting/Sharing: We make sure that materials/property are used sensibly or rented out during the time when they are not in use at events
  • Partner & Supplier: Regional à we always try to find regional suppliers in order not to have to transport too many things 
  • Materials: Care is taken to ensure that the congress items are produced sustainably and that they are made of sustainable materials 
  • Travel & Accomodation: It is offered to compensate the CO2 emission of the travelled air routes. 
  • Catering: We offer only vegetarian food as catering for our EAN Congress for participants, at smaller events participants are often invited "A la Carte", so we cannot influence the order. 
  • Communication: Create awareness on the topic of sustainability 

To read the EAN Sustainability Report 2024, click here

Greater responsibility!

Our main goals that we pursue in order to make our contribution to the environment

  1. The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 
    These are the basis to strive for. We want to formulate clear goals in the areas that apply to us, so that we can also make a contribution to the achievement of the overarching goals. 
  2. Ecolabel
    We aim to continuously improve and educate ourselves, using the guidelines of the European and Austrian Ecolabel, changing our processes to meet the sustainable requirements of it. The long-term goal is then to certify projects and us as congress organizers. 
  3. Sustainability Workforce
    This should be expanded to create content and programs towards sustainability in neurology. 
  4. Partner and Supplier
    To create our own guidelines and requirements according to which we select our partners and suppliers.