By other organisations
Please find below a range of funding opportunities offered by affiliated organisations.
We would like to point out that these funds, grants, awards and prizes are not related to the EAN Educational Programmes.
The objective of the this Fellowship scheme is to encourage the brightest UK neurology trainees in undertaking world-leading clinical neuroscience research for improving the care of those with neurological conditions and to develop new links between the funders of research and clinical trainees.
Research in clinical neuroscience lags far behind research in cancer and heart disease in funding and in the recruitment and retention of research personnel. It is vital that the next generation of neurologists is trained in research and discovery.
The ABN Clinical Research Training Fellowships support 3-year clinical research training fellowships in neurological disciplines resulting in a PhD.
For more information please visit:
The Department of Defense maintains a Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program to support research across the full range of science and medicine, with an underlying goal of enhancing the health, care, and well-being of military Service members, Veterans, retirees, and their family members. Projects related to Peripheral Neuropathy are eligible to apply for funding through this program thanks to the partnership between the Foundation and key Congressional partners who recognize a relationship between GBS and Service members.
For more information please visit this link.
As part of the GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s mission to provide education and support research, we offer research grants to qualified applicants. Through the generosity of these many individual contributors, to whom the Foundation is most grateful, we are able to offer this Research Grant Program. The GBS|CIDP Foundation International has worldwide representation, sharing resources with local support group chapters nationally and internationally.
Foundation interests include GBS, both demyelinating and axonal variants, Miller Fisher syndrome, CIDP, Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, and others. Research interests cover a broad range of subjects including development of methods to more rapidly diagnose these disorders, identification of mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis, development of more effective treatments to limit the disease process, prevent complications and reduce long-term adverse sequelae.
For additional information, please contact: grants(at)
The GBS|CIDP Foundation believes in supporting research on GBS, CIDP, and variants by funding grants for projects that contribute to the knowledge of, and towards an eventual cure for, GBS, CIDP, and variants. We invite all researchers to apply for this 2-year, $100k/year grant opportunity.
Letters of Intent due: November 1.
Submit Letter of Intent:
The GBS|CIDP Foundation believes in supporting research on GBS, CIDP, and variants by funding grants for projects that contribute to the knowledge of, and towards an eventual cure for, GBS, CIDP, and variants. We invite all researchers to apply for this 1-year, $50k/year grant opportunity.
Letters of Intent due: November 1.
Submit Letter of Intent:
In 2022 the Foundation initiated fundraising efforts to support research specifically for better treatments and diagnosis of Multifocal Motor Neuropathy. As a result of these efforts, we are announcing the first ever Request for Applications for a MMN specific grant. We invite all researchers to apply for this 1-year, $50k/year grant opportunity.
Letters of Intent due: November 1.
Submit Letter of Intent:
The Benson Fellowship is a three-year fellowship that provides an opportunity for talented scientists to engage in peripheral nerve of study. The aim of the scheme is to provide funds (up to $150k per year for three years) to enable clinicians or non-clinical scientists in training or having recently completed training to engage in a substantial research project in the field of inflammatory neuropathy at a Centre or Centers of Excellence or an Institution approved by the committee. Preference will be given to candidates who intend to pursue a long-term career in this field. Letters of Intent due: September 1, 2024
The next fellowship cycle begins January 2025
Submit Letter of Intent:
The main objectives of the fellowship programme are to motivate and facilitate the training of young professionals working in HD clinical practice through sharing knowledge and experience.
(-> neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiotherapists, clinical geneticists or other healthcare professionals)
Fellows selected for the programme spend six weeks working in a highly regarded, multi-disciplinary HD clinic in Europe.
Priority will be given to applicants who are already engaged in clinical practice in HD and have a realistic prospect of remaining active in the HD field following completion of the programme.
Placements to host clinics will take place in the respective year.
For more information and the closing date please visit:
Neurology Research Grant 2023
The Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation offers a "Neurology Research Grant" to support high quality research on non-pharmacological treatment of symptoms experienced by patients with Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders performed in a research center in or related to Switzerland. The principal applicant must be in a position to carry out the research project under his or her own responsibility. The applicant must be able to show that he/she is employed at least 50% for the duration of the project at a research institution, with the necessary research infrastructure.
The funding period is two years, with a possible extension up to a maximum of 4 years. It includes any support of the research project, with the exception of the applicant's own salary.
Application deadline: 30. September 2023
The Neurology Scientific Advisory Board of JGGF is presided by Prof. Dr. med. Jean-Marc Burgunder.
The application for funding has to meet to the formal requirements mentioned on
In line with our mission, one of our society’s overarching aims is to bolster the careers of researchers and foster excellence in peripheral nerve research, including clinical, translational, and basic science.
This PNS funded grant opportunity is designed to provide support for two candidates:
- It will enable a junior clinical investigator to acquire or consolidate expertise in clinical observational studies, clinical outcome measures, and/or clinical diagnostics and therapeutic development.
- It will empower a junior scientist or clinician-scientist to develop expertise and knowledge in peripheral nerve research by addressing key questions in Schwann cell/axonal biology and/or by elucidating relevant disease pathomechanisms.
The selected recipients of these training grants will conduct their research activity within a Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS) member research center where they have not previously received training.
New in 2025! The duration is two years for both the Clinical and Laura Feltri Basic Science Training Grant.
We are pleased to offer institutional funding of up to $75,000 USD to be further disbursed to each grant recipient annually, to cover their salary, and living expenses. All projects must commence by 31 January the year following the award of the grant.
Training Grant Application Deadline: 15 November 2024
Visit the Training Grant page to determine eligibility and learn more about the application process.
The Brain Prize was launched in 2011 and is awarded annually by the Lundbeck Foundation in Denmark. Until now the prize has had a European emphasis and been awarded to researchers who have made outstanding contributions in Europe, or have had close interactions with European research. The board of the foundation has now decided to remove this restriction and make to prize truly international. Thus, from 2018, nominees can be of any nationality and working in any part of the world.
The Brain Prize is a personal award of 1 mio. €. It recognizes highly original and ground-breaking advances in research on the nervous system, covering all aspects from fundamental studies to research related to understanding and treatment of diseases of the brain and other parts of the nervous system. The Prize is intended to raise the visibility of neuroscience and to be a stimulus to this important field of research. It may be awarded to one or shared by two or three scientists who have distinguished themselves through publication of outstanding results in the field of brain research. The prize may in extraordinary cases be awarded to four or more researchers.
The WFN has been offering grants since 2011.
Please click here for the list of recent prior grantees and reports.
The WFN mission is to "foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide" and this year the WFN is offering up to 6 grants of up to $25,000 with a maximum spend of $100,000.
Research Projects that will be considered for funding include the following:
• Education such as research on neurological education and patient education (Please note that grants related to the funding or creation of neurological residency or fellowship training programs will not be awarded)
• Improvement of neurological services
• Regional collaboration
• Disease-based projects (Please note that pure laboratory or “bench research” projects are out of the scope of this grant program)
Download Grants-in-Aid Rules and Regulations
Please check online for up-to-date deadlines:
This year the WFN is pleased to announce that it will be able to offer Junior Travelling Fellowships for young neurologists from countries classified by the World Bank as Low or Lower Middle Income, to attend approved international meetings again this year.
There will be 30 awards per year; applicants should be neurologists in training or early in their career, have an M.D. degree or equivalent medical degree, hold a post not above that of Associate Professor, and be no older than 45 years of age.
Candidates are asked to send:
- the name and dates of the meeting they wish to register for;
- a CV and bibliography;
- a letter of recommendation from the head of their department; and
- an estimate of expenses, to a maximum of £1,000, no excess will be granted.
It is expected that applicants participate actively in the meeting (e.g., presentation, poster) that they attend. The submission of an abstract is expected. A copy of the abstract should also be included. Applications are exclusively submitted using the WFN JTF online application form. Please check the deadline online.
All applications will be reviewed by the Education Committee and the awards will be announced as soon as possible thereafter.
After a successful visit, a report and photos are expected for World Neurology.
Please note: Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously been awarded a Junior Travelling Fellowship and those applying for the World Congress of Neurology 2023, Montreal.
The transfer of a successful grant award to a different congress is not possible.
More information can be found here: Junior Travelling Fellowships (
The WFNR Franz Gerstenbrand Award, worth £3000 to the winner, honours the eminent neurologist Professor Franz Gerstenbrand (1924-2017) and recognises and rewards a neurorehabilitation project that has benefitted patients. The Award is open to all professionals working in neurorehabilitation, to WFNR members and non-members worldwide.
For more information and an application form visit:

New grants for education within neurology and psychiatry from Neurotorium!
Neurotorium wishes to strengthen clinical competencies within the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders through educational activities aimed at healthcare professionals. With this goal in mind, Neurotorium is launching a new series of grants, designed to help develop and grow educational programs within neurology and psychiatry.
We believe that diversity strengthens education and for this reason diversity of applicants, including, but not limited to, gender, ethnic origin and socioeconomic background, is encouraged. We especially encourage projects that are based in low-income countries.
Read more about the grants and apply here: