Regional Teaching Day

Regional Teaching Day (RTD)

At National Neurological Societies’ Meetings

The Regional Teaching Day aims at bringing excellent teaching and special recognition by the EAN to our National Neurological Member Societies (and Corresponding Societies).

This day takes place directly prior or after a National Neurological Society meeting and, is a strictly academic educational initiative with financial support from the EAN of up to € 7.500,-.

EAN constantly strives to enhance links to our National Neurological Societies Members. By means of the Regional Teaching Day, we would like to support those European countries that are unable to host the annual EAN congress by bringing EAN/international speakers to a national audience. This initiative strengthens EAN’s other study programmes such as the annual Spring and Autumn School, Regional Teaching Courses (RTC), as well as the newly launched Regional Teaching Session.

The EAN Head Office is organising the Regional Teaching Days together with the local organizer and the Teaching Course sub-Committee.


The Regional Teaching Day has the following profile

  • The location is in the same facilities as the National Neurological Society Meeting.
  • Three plenary sessions will take place in the morning addressing 3 different topics.
  • After a lunch break, there should be rotating workshops on the same 3 topics, case-based video clips or hands-on courses for participants to work and learn in smaller groups.
  • Each of these sessions should last approximately 50 minutes.
  • The language is English.

The Regional Teaching Day support is to pay for travel and accommodation of EAN speakers, for print material, to rent the lecture hall and to pay for catering during the Meeting. Participants have to travel and stay on their own costs.

Promotion for the Regional Teaching Day and the National Meeting will be also announced on the EAN website and on eanNews.

Organise an Regional Teaching Day!

If you wish to organise a Regional Teaching Day @ your National Neurological Society Meeting, please send the application form to


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