Fellow of EAN

Fellow of EAN (FEAN)

Get special recognition for your achievements and get the coveted FEAN title

The title of ‘Fellow of the EAN’ acknowledges a limited number of neurologists/neuroscientists who are full individual/corresponding members and who deserve a special recognition. 

This exclusive title, granted by the EAN Board, acknowledges a limited number of neurologists, and honours their special service to neurology and the Society. 


"I've been a proud member of the EAN for many years because it's been a source of continuous learning, networking, and contributing to the field. It's my way of giving back and staying at the forefront of neurological advancements."
David VodusekFellow of the EAN
"As a Fellow of the EAN, I value the opportunity to exchange ideas and collaborate with fellow experts, fostering innovation in neurological research and patient care."
Gunhild WaldemarFellow and Honorary Members of the EAN


  • Neurologists or researchers having demonstrated special achievements in neurosciences, 
  • Clinical practice of neurology, 
  • EAN leadership or other  

Membership benefits:

  • Full access to eanCampus  
  • Reduced on-site Congress registration  
  • Virtual Congress free of charge 
  • Access to webcasts 
  • Participate in EAN Scientific Panels 
  • Members’ activities at the congress 
  • Voting rights & Committee participation 
  • 10% discount on their APC for publishing Online Open in the European Journal of Neurology (please contact membership@ean.org to receive your 
  • discount code). 

To enjoy truly your special status you will also receive: 

  1. Permission to use the FEAN title in your CV and publication 
  2. A medal recognizing your FEAN membership (shipped by post) 

Application must be submitted through your MyEAN account. 


  • A cover letter detailing the important achievements 
  • A Curriculum Vitae (CV) including a list of publications 
  • Statement of support from a current, active Fellow of EAN member 

All documents must be submitted in English language. 

    1. Certification
      Applicant must be a recognized specialist in neurology in their country or a basic scientist.
      Applicant must be a full individual/corresponding EAN member
    2. Support from a current FEAN
      Applicant must provide a letter of recommendation from another current Fellow of EAN.
    3. Neurosciences Interest
      Applicant must show their chief interest is directed toward academic practice, teaching, or research in the neurosciences.
    4. EAN Membership
      Applicant must be a Neurologist or Neuroscientist and member of EAN for no less than five current consecutive years at the time of application submission and after residency end date. The Board may waive the consecutive years' requirement if the candidate's membership has briefly lapsed because of hardship or other exceptional circumstances.
    5. EAN Meeting Attendance
      Applicants must have attended the majority (>50%) of EAN Annual Meetings after becoming a full individual/corresponding EAN member.
    6. Professional Standing
      Applicant must have an overall professional reputation and standing (e.g. awards, invited lectures, Board Membership of other neurological societies, or other key performance indicators), as determined by the EAN Board, that qualifies the candidate for this premier designation.
    7. Special Achievement
      Applicant must have demonstrated special achievement in teaching, research, or clinical practice of neurology. The candidate’s cumulative body of achievement is considered on a case-by-case basis from the criteria of any or all of the following areas of special achievement.

      Teaching: significant contribution to education in neurology and neuroscience such as a) authorship of textbooks and educational articles, b) regular presentations at national and international level, and 3) organization of educational event at pre- and postgraduate level. The candidate is expected to hold a teaching appointment with an associate professor or comparable status.

      Research: significant contribution to the medical literature. Although there is not an absolute numerical requirement for publications the candidate's body of work should be appropriate for promotion to associate professor in a standard academic setting.

      Clinical practice: significant regional, national, or international service in the area of clinical neurology above and beyond the requirements of the physician’s employment contract or activities which promote neurology or the neurosciences. Significant dedication of time and effort to public education outside practice; practice in an underserved community or for an underserved patient population; charitable or volunteered medical services inside or outside practice; service to health or medical-related community service organizations; public relations explaining neurology; and awards from medical or community organizations.

      EAN Leadership: Significant and continuing service to the Academy in a leadership position.
      Examples of EAN leadership include, but are not limited to, service as a member of the management group of an EAN Scientific

      Panel; as a member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Neurology; or as a member of an EAN guideline panel.

      Other special achievements: to be determined by the Board.

    Membership Fee

    Fellow of EAN

    • Membership fee for Fellow of EAN is € 300 per calendar year
    • If your place of work is in a middle income country (as defined by World Bank) you are entitled to a discount of 50% off the membership fee. The same discount applies to neurologists who are retired from their professional work.
    • If your place of residence is in one of the low income countries (as defined by World Bank) your EAN membership is free of charge.
    • Members of AAN get a 10% discount off their EAN membership fee, European EAN members get a 10% discount off their AAN membership fee