7th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology - Virtual 2021

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Kindly supported by Lilly
Watch the Opening Session
EAN 2021

5 Presidents Symposium Future of Sleep Medicine
Now available on demand!
Missed the Opening Session? It's now available on demand!

Missed the Advocacy Talks? It's now available on demand!
Looking for the Virtual Congress? Here's how to get access:
login to your MyEAN account and then click on the tab Virtual Congress
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Scientific Programme
EAN is working with several partner societies, organising its Scientific Programme together with them. Details can be found in the Scientific Programme and in the App. For the virtual congress 2021, special agreements have been made with:
MDS-ES Movement Disorders Society - European Section

Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard Lecture
Speaker: Jean-Claude Baron, Paris, France

Camillo Golgi Lecture
Speaker: Adriano Aguzzi, Zurich, Switzerland

Moritz Romberg Lecture
Speaker: Gábor M. Halmágyi, Sydney, Australia
The Brain Prize Lecture
Speaker: Huda Zoghbi, Houston, United States of America