"Why neurology?" Session
“Why neurology? From a student to a professor.”
For the second time, EAN holds a new form of a career development session. It is your chance to chat with Professors in a closed, live-streamed, meeting.
Kindly note that participation is on first-come first-serve basis and is limited to up to 30 persons per session. The session is open to EAN Student members only.
Registration is possible via an online form that has been shared with all current EAN Student Members.
Please see below the programme as well as short BIOs of our esteemed speakers.
Sunday, 20 June, 17:00-17:30 CEST
Why Neurology? From a student to a professor session with undergraduate students
Barbara Tettenborn, Switzerland (EAN elearning Editor-in-Chief)
Anthony Marson, United Kingdom (EAN Programme Committee Chair)
Giovanni di Liberto, Switzerland/Italy (EAN RRFS Past Chair)

Barbara Tettenborn is the Head of Department of Neurology. She is resident of the Organisation „Women in Neurology (WIN)“ within the Swiss Neurological Society and President of the Swiss League against Epilepsy. She also is in the Board of the Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS) and Editor-in-chief e-learning European Academy of Neurology (EAN).
Barbara Tettenborn received her degree from the University of Johannes Gutenberg Mainz in 1984 and trained in neurology also at the University Hospital Mainz. She performed two research fellowships in Visiting Fellow at the Department of Neurology, West Virginia University, Morgantown/USA (Chairman: Prof. L. Gutmann) and Research Fellow at the Department of Neurology, Tuft’s University, New England Medical Center, Boston/USA (Chairman: Prof. L.R. Caplan). She is Member of Swiss and German Neurological Society, Swiss and German Section of the International League against Epilepsy, Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Swiss Society for cerebrovascular diseases, American Academy of Neurology, American Heart Association Scientific Council, American Epilepsy Sociey. Professor Tettenborn is author and co-author of several publications in Neurology, Epilepsia, Clinical Neurophysiology, Journal of Neuroimaging, Cerebrovascular Disease, Nervenarzt and others.
She is Author of several bookchapters in textbooks in the fields of General Neurology, Epileptology, Stroke and Sports Medicine, Editor of “The Paroxysmal disorders”, „Pregnancy and Neurologic Illness“ and “Prävention und Therapie neurologischer Erkrankungen durch Sport” and Editor of several neurological texbooks.
Her Scientific main focuses are Epilepsy, Stroke, Dementia, Sport Neurology, Neurophysiology, neurovascular diseases.
Currently she is teaching at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany, the University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland and University St.Gallen, Switzerland.

Anthony Marson is a consultant neurologist and epileptologist at The Walton Centre and Professor of Neurology at The University of Liverpool where he leads the Liverpool Epilepsy Research Group. The team at The Walton Centre runs one of the largest epilepsy services in the UK, providing a comprehensive multidisciplinary from first seizure to complex epilepsy surgery. His research has focussed upon the assessment of treatments and interventions for epilepsy. He led the National Audit of Seizure Management in Hospitals and the European Audit of Seizure Management in Hospitals. He chairs the current NHS England review of epilepsy specialist commissioning. He has coordinated the largest randomized controlled trials in epilepsy, including the recently published SANAD II trials. He is Director of Research Programmes for Liverpool Health Partners, Board Member of the European Academy of Neurology where he chairs the Congress Programme Committee and Coordinating Editor of the Cochrane Epilepsy Group and Person Centered Complex Care theme lead for the NIHR North West Coast Applied Research Centre.
Monday, 21 June, 17:00-17:30 CEST
Why Neurology? From a student to a professor session with undergraduate students
Claudio Bassetti, Switzerland (EAN President)
Matilde Leonardi , Italy (EAN European Affairs sub-Committee Member)
Nina Vashchenko , Russian Federation (EAN RRFS Treasurer)

Claudio Bassetti received his MD degree from the University of Basel in 1984 and trained in neurology in Bern and Lausanne (FMH degree in 1992). He performed two research fellowships in basic neurophysiology (Basel) and sleep medicine (Ann Arbor-Michigan). In 1997 he became associate professor at the University of Bern. In 2000 he was appointed professor of neurology at the university of Zurich and vice-chair of the Neurology Department at the University Hospital. In 2009 he founded the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland which he directed until 2012. Since 2012 he is full professor of neurology at the University of Bern and director of the neurology department at the University Hospital. Since 2019 he acts as president of the European Academy of Neurology. Since 2020 he is the Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern. Claudio Bassetti has authored 12 books and over 450 scientific publications. His topics of interest include general neurology, sleep, and stroke.

Matilde Leonardi Neurologist, paediatrician, neonatologist, child neurologist. Specialized in Bioethics. As Director of Unit at IRCCS National Neurological Institute Besta is developing and carrying out research projects related to neurology, chronic diseases and employment, disability, ageing, public health, ICF (WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) and WHO-DAS 2.0, neurorehabilitation and burden of neurological disorders. Her activity in the field of disorders of consciousness allows her team to have one of the worldwide largest epidemiological database on this type of patients. She is a WHO expert on disability and ageing, co-chair of the WHO-FIC (Family of International Classifications) Functioning and Disability Reference Group- FDRG and Director of the Italian WHO Collaborating Centre Research Branch. Co-ordinator and partner of several, EU- and non EU-funded research projects. Since 2001 and she has been coordinator of EU Projects in FP6, FP7, Horizon2020: MHADIE, MURINET, COURAGE in EUROPE, PATHWAYS and partner in PARADISE, MARATONE ATHLOS, CHRODIS Plus,EMPOWER. Dr. Leonardi is consultant on public health, UNCRPD monitoring and disability policy development for several European and extra European Governments. Expert for the European Commission on public health, ageing, disability and neurosciences. Professor on annual contracts of Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Disability and member since 2007 of the Board of Directors of the Bioethics Centre at the Catholic University of Milan. In 2014 passed the national evaluation as Associate Professor of Neurology and in 2015 as Associate as well as Full Professor of Rehabilitation. From 2010 to 2013 appointed by the Italian Government as President of the Scientific Committee of the National Observatory on Disability, monitoring UNCRPD. In November 2011 appointed as Corresponding member of the Pontificia Academia Pro Vita. Awarded in December 2019 upon nomination of Ministry of Health as Excellence of Research between the 100 Italian Excellences. Nominated FEAN Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology in September 2020. Elected Member at Large of WFNR World Federation of Neurorehabilitation in October 2020. From June 2020 nominated Co chair WHO NeuroCovid Forum–essential neurological services Group and member of Neuro Covid Global Research Coalition. Author of more than 270 scientific publications.