Assembly of Delegates

The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) was founded during the first Joint Meeting of the ENS and EFNS in Istanbul in June 2014, on Tuesday, June 3, 2014The democratic heart of the EAN will be the assembly of delegates, consisting of Individual Delegates and National Delegates representing the 48 member nations of the EAN.

The contact details of the societies can be found here.

Individual Delegates Substitutes can be found here:

Individual Delegates Substitutes

Institutional Delegates

The National Neurological Societies have each nominated their delegate to the Assembly of Delegates of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN).

Bogdanova, Dessislava

Institutional Delegate

Bogdanova, Dessislava
Sofia, Bulgaria
Brazdil, Milan

Institutional Delegate

Brazdil, Milan
Brno, Czech Republic
Chapman, Joab

Institutional Delegate

Chapman, Joab
Ramat Gan, Israel
Counihan, Timothy

Institutional Delegate

Counihan, Timothy
Galway, Ireland
Cvetkovska, Emilija

Institutional Delegate

Cvetkovska, Emilija
Skopje, North Macedonia
Davenport, Richard J.

Institutional Delegate

Davenport, Richard J.
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Debeljević, Mladen

Institutional Delegate

Debeljević, Mladen
Podgorica, Montenegro
Dingli, Nicola

Institutional Delegate

Dingli, Nicola
Msida, Malta
Durmuş Tekçe, Hacer

Institutional Delegate

Durmuş Tekçe, Hacer
Istanbul - Capa, Turkey
Ferrari, Julia

Institutional Delegate

Ferrari, Julia
Vienna, Austria
Flemmen, Heidi Øyen

Institutional Delegate

Flemmen, Heidi Øyen
SKIEN, Norway
García Azorín, David

Institutional Delegate

García Azorín, David
Valladolid, Spain
Grigoriadis, Nikolaos

Institutional Delegate

Grigoriadis, Nikolaos
Thessaloniki, Greece
Guekht, Alla

Institutional Delegate

Guekht, Alla
Moscow, Russian Federation
Habek, Mario

Institutional Delegate

Habek, Mario
Zagreb, Croatia
Jatuzis, Dalius

Institutional Delegate

Jatuzis, Dalius
Vilnius, Lithuania
Kälviäinen, Reetta K.

Institutional Delegate

Kälviäinen, Reetta K.
Kuopio, Finland
Kapisyzi-Rakacolli, Mira

Institutional Delegate

Kapisyzi-Rakacolli, Mira
Tirana, Albania
Klotz, Luisa

Institutional Delegate

Klotz, Luisa
Münster, Germany
Kojovic, Maja

Institutional Delegate

Kojovic, Maja
Kondybayeva, Aida

Institutional Delegate

Kondybayeva, Aida
Amaty, Kazakhstan
Kõrv, Janika

Institutional Delegate

Kõrv, Janika
Tartu, Estonia
Kulakowska, Alina

Institutional Delegate

Kulakowska, Alina
Bialystok, Poland
Louapre, Celine

Institutional Delegate

Louapre, Celine
Paris, France
Lunde Larsen, Line Sofie

Institutional Delegate

Lunde Larsen, Line Sofie
København Ø, Denmark
Lundström, Erik

Institutional Delegate

Lundström, Erik
Madjidova, Yakutkhon

Institutional Delegate

Madjidova, Yakutkhon
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Manea, Diana

Institutional Delegate

Manea, Diana
Chisinau, Moldova
Mcintyre, Deborah

Institutional Delegate

Mcintyre, Deborah
Dublin, Ireland
Mishchenko, Tamara S.

Institutional Delegate

Mishchenko, Tamara S.
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Oláh, László

Institutional Delegate

Oláh, László
Debrecen, Hungary
Padovani, Alessandro

Institutional Delegate

Padovani, Alessandro
Brescia, Italy
Pastare, Daina

Institutional Delegate

Pastare, Daina
Riga, Latvia
Pot, Caroline

Institutional Delegate

Pot, Caroline
Lausanne, Switzerland
Raicevic, Ranko

Institutional Delegate

Raicevic, Ranko
Belgrade, Serbia
Scheltens, Philip

Institutional Delegate

Scheltens, Philip
AMSTELVEEN, The Netherlands
Shiraliyeva, Rana

Institutional Delegate

Shiraliyeva, Rana
Baku, Azerbaijan
Skobic, Helena

Institutional Delegate

Skobic, Helena
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sveinsson, Olafur

Institutional Delegate

Sveinsson, Olafur
Reykjavik, Iceland
Tiu, Cristina

Institutional Delegate

Tiu, Cristina
Bucharest, Romania
Toktomushev, Choro

Institutional Delegate

Toktomushev, Choro
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Tsiskaridze, Alexander

Institutional Delegate

Tsiskaridze, Alexander
TBILISI, Georgia
Valkovic, Peter

Institutional Delegate

Valkovic, Peter
Bratislava, Slovakia
Vanopdenbosch, Ludo

Institutional Delegate

Vanopdenbosch, Ludo
Brugge, Belgium
Vekilyan, Hasmik

Institutional Delegate

Vekilyan, Hasmik
Yerevan, Armenia
Zis, Panagiotis

Institutional Delegate

Zis, Panagiotis
Aglantzia, Nicosia, Cyprus

Individual Delegates

47 individual members for the new Assembly of Delegates of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) were elected in 2022.

Antonini, Angelo

Individual Delegate

Antonini, Angelo
PADUA, Italy
Arsovska, Anita

Individual Delegate

Arsovska, Anita
Skopje, North Macedonia
Ashina, Messoud

Individual Delegate

Ashina, Messoud
Glostrup, Denmark
Bersano, Anna

Individual Delegate

Bersano, Anna
Milan, Italy
Brandt, Thomas

Individual Delegate

Brandt, Thomas
Munich, Germany
Burgunder, Jean Marc

Individual Delegate

Burgunder, Jean Marc
Guemligen, Switzerland
Colosimo, Carlo

Individual Delegate

Colosimo, Carlo
Terni, Italy
De Stefano, Nicola

Individual Delegate

De Stefano, Nicola
Siena, Italy
De Visser, Marianne

Individual Delegate

De Visser, Marianne
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dieterich, Marianne

Individual Delegate

Dieterich, Marianne
Munich, Germany
Edan, Gilles

Individual Delegate

Edan, Gilles
Rennes, France
Evers, Stefan

Individual Delegate

Evers, Stefan
Münster, Germany
Filippi, Massimo

Individual Delegate

Filippi, Massimo
Milano, Italy
Fischer, Urs

Individual Delegate

Fischer, Urs
Bern, Switzerland
Frackowiak, Richard

Individual Delegate

Frackowiak, Richard
Paris, France
Gasperini, Claudio

Individual Delegate

Gasperini, Claudio
Rome, Italy
Gdovinova, Zuzana

Individual Delegate

Gdovinova, Zuzana
Kosice, Slovakia
Gilhus, Nils Erik

Individual Delegate

Gilhus, Nils Erik
Bergen, Norway
Hartung, Hans-Peter

Individual Delegate

Hartung, Hans-Peter
Düsseldorf, Germany
Hilz, Max

Individual Delegate

Hilz, Max
Erlangen, Germany
Kappos, Ludwig

Individual Delegate

Kappos, Ludwig
Basel, Switzerland
Kopchak, Oksana

Individual Delegate

Kopchak, Oksana
Kyiv, Ukraine
Kulisevsky, Jaime

Individual Delegate

Kulisevsky, Jaime
Barcelona, Spain
Lebedeva, Elena

Individual Delegate

Lebedeva, Elena
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Leone, Maurizio A.

Individual Delegate

Leone, Maurizio A.
S. Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
Mancuso, Michelangelo

Individual Delegate

Mancuso, Michelangelo
Pisa, Italy
Melnyk, Volodymyr

Individual Delegate

Melnyk, Volodymyr
Kyiv, Ukraine
Milo, Ron

Individual Delegate

Milo, Ron
Ness-Ziona, Israel
Mitsikostas, Dimos-Dimitrios

Individual Delegate

Mitsikostas, Dimos-Dimitrios
Athens, Greece
Oertel, Wolfgang H.

Individual Delegate

Oertel, Wolfgang H.
Marburg, Germany
Oreja-Guevara, Celia

Individual Delegate

Oreja-Guevara, Celia
Madrid, Spain
Portela Moreira, Isabel

Individual Delegate

Portela Moreira, Isabel
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Rakusa, Martin

Individual Delegate

Rakusa, Martin
Maribor, Slovenia
Rektor, Ivan

Individual Delegate

Rektor, Ivan
Brno, Czech Republic
Rüegg, Stephan

Individual Delegate

Rüegg, Stephan
Basel, Switzerland
Ryvlin, Philippe

Individual Delegate

Ryvlin, Philippe
Lausanne, Switzerland
Schoser, Benedikt

Individual Delegate

Schoser, Benedikt
Munich, Germany
Struhal, Walter

Individual Delegate

Struhal, Walter
Tulln, Austria
Strupp, Michael Leo

Individual Delegate

Strupp, Michael Leo
Munich, Germany
Taba, Pille

Individual Delegate

Taba, Pille
Tartu, Estonia
Valls-Sole, Josep

Individual Delegate

Valls-Sole, Josep
Barcelona, Spain
Vidailhet, Marie

Individual Delegate

Vidailhet, Marie
Paris, France
Von Oertzen, Tim

Individual Delegate

Von Oertzen, Tim
Würzburg, Germany
Vuletic, Vladimira

Individual Delegate

Vuletic, Vladimira
Rijeka, Croatia