Neurology Updates

Neurology Updates

Here you will find regular scientific news from our Scientific Panels. We cover all areas of neurology, including rare diseases. The most recent news are displayed below. You will find all news of different areas sorted into the subsections of the respective scientific panel. Enjoy reading!

Process for SP Submissions

If you want to submit a neurology update for your scientific panel, please find related information here:

| Multiple Sclerosis  

Consensus-based recommendations issued by ECTRIMS and the EBMT on AHSCT use in MS and NMOSD

| Multiple Sclerosis  

2023 revision of RIS diagnostic criteria expanding the spectrum of RIS.

| Multiple Sclerosis  

Dimethyl fumarate in RIS delays clinical conversion to MS.

| Multiple Sclerosis  

MOGAD diagnostic criteria from the International MOGAD Panel

| Multiple Sclerosis  

Epstein-Barr virus infection is the strongest known risk factor for the development of multiple sclerosis, and it precedes preclinical manifestation…

| Multiple Sclerosis  

The 2017 McDonald criteria showed higher sensitivity, lower specificity, and similar accuracy in predicting clinically definite multiple sclerosis…

| Multiple Sclerosis  

Insidious disability accrual starts already in the earliest phases of multiple sclerosis and becomes dominant over the disease course, suggesting an…

| COVID-19 | Multiple Sclerosis | Neuroimmunology  

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new illness caused by the novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),…

| Multiple Sclerosis  

Among the different environmental variables that may play a role in the pathogenesis of MS, the influence of the microorganisms living in or on the…
