Neurology Updates

Neurology Updates

Here you will find regular scientific news from our Scientific Panels. We cover all areas of neurology, including rare diseases. The most recent news are displayed below. You will find all news of different areas sorted into the subsections of the respective scientific panel. Enjoy reading!

Process for SP Submissions

If you want to submit a neurology update for your scientific panel, please find related information here:

| Epilepsy  

There is need for automated seizure detection using wearable devices, to decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with seizures, especially…

| Epilepsy | Rare Neurological Diseases  

Epilepsies affect around 65 million people worldwide and are clinically a heterogeneous group of neurological disorders. Despite strong evidence for…

| Epilepsy  

Brivaracetam was approved for adjunctive treatment of partial epilepsy with focal and secondary generalised seizures by the EMEA in January 2016.…
