Neurology Updates

Neurology Updates

Here you will find regular scientific news from our Scientific Panels. We cover all areas of neurology, including rare diseases. The most recent news are displayed below. You will find all news of different areas sorted into the subsections of the respective scientific panel. Enjoy reading!

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| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

This study explored the link between the evolution of consciousness and the advancement of the decannulation protocol in patients with prolonged…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness | Rare Neurological Diseases  

This open-label controlled study investigates the use of subcutaneous apomorphine for patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness. It suggests…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness | Rare Neurological Diseases  

In this, to our knowledge, first prospective multimodal cohort study including 123 ICU patients with acute DoC from various underlying conditions, we…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness | Rare Neurological Diseases  

Starting from the guidelines’ recommendations, the aim of the survey was to explore the clinicians’ actual clinical practice and their opinions about…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness | Rare Neurological Diseases  

Pediatric disorders of consciousness (PedDOC) encompass conditions that may occur following very severe traumatic or other forms of acquired brain…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

Systematic review and meta-analysis addressing long-term clinical evolution of patients with prolonged Disorders of Consciousness due to severe anoxic…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

Auditory localization should be considered as a sign of consciousness, as unresponsive patients who demonstrate this behaviour show increased brain…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

The process of end-of-life decision-making for patients with disorders of consciousness should include caregivers in bedside assessments and integrate…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

An international study showed that younger age, shorter time since injury, higher level of responsiveness and EEG reactivity to eye opening are all…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

Habituation of auditory startle reflex should be considered as a sign of the minimally conscious state, as unresponsive patients who demonstrate this…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

A Dutch nationwide prospective cohort study has been launched to monitor the outcomes of patients included in the Early Intensive Rehabilitation…

| Coma & Chronic Disorders of Consciousness  

The Vagal Cortical Pathways model aims to explain possible mechanisms for the action of transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation to promote…
