Neurology Updates

Neurology Updates

Here you will find regular scientific news from our Scientific Panels. We cover all areas of neurology, including rare diseases. The most recent news are displayed below. You will find all news of different areas sorted into the subsections of the respective scientific panel. Enjoy reading!

Process for SP Submissions

If you want to submit a neurology update for your scientific panel, please find related information here:

| Clinical neurophysiology  

To date there is no electrophysiological gold standard in defining the subtypes of GBS. Recovery of abnormal CMAP amplitude reduction and of…

| Clinical neurophysiology  

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) allow to obtain functional and localising information about the dorsal somatosensory system. SEPs are…

| Rare Neurological Diseases | Clinical neurophysiology  

Syncope is a frequent clinical presentation in neurology departments. This clinical event, situated at the border between neurology and cardiology, is…
