Knowledge Distillery

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| Interventional study with open label/non-randomised methodology  

In this open-label, adaptive, multiplatform, randomized clinical trial, critically ill COVID-19 patients were randomly assigned to a regimen of either…

| Observational study: prospective longitudinal cohort  

Humoral Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 in Iceland



The objective of this prospective cohort study was to validate and compare clinical findings with data from medical autopsy, virtual autopsy, and…

| Interventional study with open label/non-randomised methodology  

In this article the authors hypothesized that therapeutic-dose anticoagulation may improve outcomes in noncritically ill patients who are hospitalized…

| Observational study: prospective longitudinal cohort  

Suppression of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in the Italian municipality of Vo’



The pandemic of COVID-19 continues to affect much of the world. Knowledge of diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 is still evolving, and a clear…

| Randomised double-blinded placebo-controlled trial  

This study randomly assigned participants who were enrolled within 96 hours after a household contact received a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection to…

| Case series/case reports  

In this paper, recently published in Stroke, the authors aimed to compare anterior circulation large vessel occlusion stroke severity between patients…


In this paper published in Neurology, the authors conducted a scoping review of available literature on COVID-19 to assess the potential impact on…

| Cross-sectional case-control studies  

In this study the authors identified breakthrough infections by performing extensive evaluations of health care workers who were symptomatic…


In this paper, recently published in Neurocritical Care, the authors conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients with haemorrhagic stroke (both…


In this paper recently published in JAMA, the authors evaluated the prevalence, intensity, and timing of an altered sense of smell or taste in mildly…
