| Literature Review  

The relationship between COVID-19 and movement disorders: a narrative review

In this paper the authors review the literature on movement disorders in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. First, there are a variety of transient movement disorders which may manifest in the acute phase of COVID-19, most often myoclonus with more than 50 patients described in the literature.

New-onset parkinsonism, chorea and tic-like behaviours have also been reported. Movement disorders as a side effect after COVID-19 vaccination are rare, occurring with a frequency of 0.00002 – 0.0002 depending on the product used, mostly manifesting with tremor. Current evidence for potential long-term manifestations, e.g. long COVID parkinsonism, is separately discussed. Second, the pandemic also had an impact on patients with pre-existing movement disorder syndromes with negative effects on clinical status and overall wellbeing, and reduced access to medication and healthcare. In many parts the pandemic led to re-organization of the medical system including the development of new digital solutions. The movement disorder-related evidence for this is reviewed and discussed.
Schneider SA, Hennig A, Martino D. The relationship between COVID-19 and movement disorders: a narrative review. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Dec 16.

doi: 10.1111/ene.15217