Call for Topics

Call for Guideline Topic Proposals 2024

EAN opens a Call for Guideline Topic Proposals every two years to invite EAN Scientific & Coordinating Panel Members, EAN Individual Members, National Societies, Partner Societies, and Patient Representatives to submit guideline topics of interest.

The aim is to produce timely, clinically relevant, and high-quality guidelines. When selecting guideline projects to support, EAN ensures that resources and attention are devoted to those areas in which critical practice guidelines will provide the greatest benefit to patients, clinicians, and policy makers through a rigorous prioritization process.

The Call for Guideline Topic Proposals 2024 is open September 30th until October 27th, 2024.

Call for Guideline Topic Proposals – Considerations for Submission

Please kindly prepare the below information when creating your proposal as they are mandatory sections of the proposal form.

  • Name of contributor
  • Contact email
  • Are you an EAN individual member?
  • Are you submitting on behalf of an EAN Scientific & Coordinating Panel?
    Multiple selection is possible In case of joint submission between two or more Panels.
  • Are you submitting on behalf of an EAN Partner Society or National Society?
  • Would you be interested/willing to join the Task Force if the project is selected?
    The relevant Panel/s will be invited to conduct the guideline, should it be selected for launching. If you are interested in participating in the guideline production, collaboration with the respective Panel/s is strongly encouraged.
  • Guideline Topic Title
    The guideline topics should be specific enough, in order to provide insight on the specific scope of the potential guideline. (See: EAN Guideline Manuscript Template Supporting Document A: Title)
  • Sub-specialty
    Please tick the sub-specialty/-ies which the guideline topic covers. Multiple selection is possible.
  • Please indicate the type of patients involved
  • Which area should the guideline cover?
    Therapy/diagnosis/prognosis/all of the above
  • Please provide a reference presenting the health burden of the condition in the proposed topic.
  • Please define the possible (positive) impact of a guideline on some health outcomes such as: morbidity, disability scores, mortality.
  • Are there variations in practices across European countries when it comes to this topic?
    If yes, please elaborate and provide references.
  • Is there any uncertainty or controversy about best practices surrounding this topic?
    If yes, please elaborate and provide references.
  • Are there any published guidelines on this topic?
    If yes, please specify title, society, date of last update. Please also add a justification of why a guideline is needed if there is a previous guideline on the topic.
  • Other reasons why it is important for EAN to develop a guideline on this topic at this time.

Important Notes:

  1. Up to three topics can be submitted, where you or your Society would see the need for a clinical practice guideline to be developed in the next couple of years.
  2. Collaboration with subspecialty societies is welcome and will be considered based on the topic.
  3. Collaboration between Panels is welcome and encouraged where relevant.
  4. Please consult the list of ongoing guidelines and consider also in case a similar topic has been recently covered by a subspecialty society, or the EAN itself, or if an already existing guideline needs to be updated. Please consult the list of published EAN guidelines.

Selection Procedure

All guideline topic proposals will be evaluated by the members of the Guideline Production Group, Scientific Committee, and the EAN Board using the EAN Guideline Prioritization Criteria:

  1. The health burden of the condition in the proposed topic
  2. Impact on health outcomes (estimated positive impact of the guideline on morbidity, disability scores, mortality)
  3. Potential for changing an existing practice
  4. Practice variation (non-harmonized best-practices among the European countries)
  5. Uncertainty or controversy about best practice (due to new evidence or lack of evidence)
  6. Absence of a guideline
  7. Pre-existing guidelines of low quality or outdated guidelines (The guideline is more than 5 years old/was not revised within the last 5 years or there is recent evidence that could change current clinical practice).

The top-ranking 30 will be selected as the Priority Guideline Topics for 2025-2027. These Priority Topics are valid until December 31st, 2027 and will be “refreshed” via another Call in the period thereafter.

Throughout 2025-2027, among the top 30 of the Priority Topics, a limited number of topics will be selected by the EAN Board by batch to receive dedicated funding using another set of criteria as listed below:

  • diversity in the subspecialties of the CPGs topics;
  • proposals in association with a partner organization;
  • proposals suggested by more than one SP; and
  • proposals suggested by SPs that have not published an EAN GL in the last 5 years.


Application Opens 30 September 2024
Application Deadline 27 October 2024
Evaluation of Topic Submissions by the GPG, SC, and Board November – December 2024
Selection of topics to be launched as guidelines in 2025 January 2025
Announcement of Results February 2025
Call for Guideline Taskforce Members March 2025
Guideline Project Kick-off April 2025

Questions or Concerns?

Please contact EAN Scientific Department at scientific(at)