RTC in Skopje, North Macedonia, 2023

Regional Teaching Course in Skopje, North Macedonia
December 01-03, 2023
Macedonian Society of Neurology (MSN);
Contact: Prof. Dr. Dragana Petrovska Cvetkovska (mznevrolozi(at)gmail.com)
Hotel Double Tree by Hilton, Bulevar ASNOM 17, Skopje 1000, North Macedonia
Preliminary Programme
Day 1: 01 December 2023
09:00 Opening
09:30 Telestroke and novel technologies for acute stroke care
Dr. Turgut Tatlisumak, Finland
10:20 Reperfusion therapy in an extended time window
Dr. Dejana Jovanovic, Serbia
11:20 Endovascular treatment in basilar occlusions and posterior circulation stroke
Dr. Atilla Ozcan Ozdemir, Turkey
12:10 Thrombolysis in acute stroke care, where, when and how?
Prof. Dragana Petrovska Cvetkovska, North Macedonia
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
Interactive workshops 14:00 – 17:20
- Dr. Turgut Tatlisumak, Finland
- Dr. Dejana Jovanovic, Serbia
- Dr. Atilla Ozcan Ozdemir, Turkey
Mixed Topics
Day 2: 02 December 2023
09:00 Finding lesions in non-lesional epilepsy
Prof. Ivan Rektor, Czech Republic
09:50 Myoclonus: diagnostic approach from phenomenology to treatment
Dr. Yildiz Degirmenci, Turkey
10:50 Monogenic forms of early onset dementias - one gene, different phenotypes
Dr. Elka Stefanova, Serbia
11:40 A brief history of dementia – from basics to precision medicine
Dr. Gabriela Novotni, North Macedonia
12:35 Role of RRFS for the residents and early career neurologists
Dr. Katina Aleksovska, North Macedonia
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch
18:00 Dinner / Evening with the colleagues at Hotel
19:30 Event / Skopje Tour Social Night
Multiple Sclerosis and related disorders
Day 3: 03 December 2023
08:30 : Imaging in MS, NMOSD and MOGAD
Dr. Matilda Inglese, Italy
09:20Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of MS
Dr. Aksel Siva, Turkey
10:30 Update on immunopathogenesis and treatment in NMOSD and MOGAD
Prof. Ayse Altintas, Turkey
11:20 Treatment approach for patıents with multiple sclerosis
Dr. Tatjana Petkovska Boskova, North Macedonia
12:10 – 13:10 Lunch
Interactive workshops 13:15 – 16:30
- Prof. Ayse Altintas, Turkey
- Dr. Aksel Siva, Turkey
- Dr. Tatjana Petkovska Boskova, North Macedonia
16:45 – 17:10 Exam and evaluation
17:20 – 18:20 Closing ceremony