EAN Congress 2022 Masterclass, Salzburg
Previous events: Congress 2022 Masterclass
Event took place on 17 March 2023, in Salzburg, Austria
Overarching Theme of the EAN Congress Masterclass:
“The role of Complement inhibition in Neurological Rare Disease: from Myasthenia Gravis to other muscle diseases”.
The format shall allow to continue the scientific dialogue amongst health care professionals outside of the annual congress and give the possibility to further discussion and exchange on a specific topic.
Hotel Heffterhof
Salzburg, Austria
The programme was put together by the EAN programme committee according to the overarching theme and shall give participants the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in this area.
For preparation purposes, participants registered to the event have to watch the corresponding congress lectures on the EAN eLearning platform.
The on-site part will begin with a welcome session, followed by four parallel masterclass sessions with rotating audiences. At the end of the event, all speakers will summarize their courses in a closing session.
Programme Overview
Speaker: Amelia Evoli, Rome, Italy
The clinical presentation and state-of-the art diagnostics in myasthenia gravis
Speaker: Marianne de Visser, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
HyperCKemia: from common to rare
Speaker: Antonio Toscano, Messina, Italy
Clinical and antibody patterns of inflammatory myopathies
Speaker: Nils Erik Gilhus, Bergen, Norway
Current and future international treatment standards in myasthenia gravis

The EAN Congress 2022 Masterclass is an EAN Event supported by Alexion
11:00 | Welcome Gathering |
11:30 – 12:00 | Welcome Session in Main Room with a short introduction of the overarching topic and the 4 speakers and corresponding lectures |
12:00 – 12:55 | Masterclass Session 1 – parallel in 4 groups with 25 participants each |
12:55 – 13:15 | 20min networking & coffee |
13:15 – 14:10 | Masterclass Session 2 – parallel in 4 groups with 25 participants each |
14:10 – 15:10 | Late Lunch Break |
15:10 – 16:05 | Masterclass Session 3 – parallel in 4 groups with 25 participants each |
16:05 – 16:25 | 20min networking & coffee |
16:25 – 17:15 | Masterclass Session 4 – parallel in 4 groups with 25 participants each |
17:15 – 17:35 | 20min networking & coffee |
17:35 – 18:30 | Closing and Wrap up in the Main Room |
19:30 | Aperitif |
20:30 | Closing Dinner |