Neuroimaging is an important tool in clinical neurology. One of the main objectives of this Scientific Panel is to foster the correct use of neuroimaging in Europe. As a field of knowledge, imaging of the nervous system is experiencing a tremendous expansion because of the complexity of the brain and the quick advances in imaging technology. Thus, the neurologist needs updated information on the appropriate and economical use of these tools. Guidelines on training and the use of these tools in multiple sclerosis, stroke and motor neuron disease are available. In addition, the panel provides guidelines for the application of neuroimaging techniques for the diagnosis of patients with dementia in clinical practice, and to clarify the current status and clinical role of advanced neuroimaging tools in these disorders.
Neuroimaging is also an important research tool. Another objective of the panel/ sub-committee is to facilitate research on neuroimaging across Europe. A survey led by Drs. Herholz and Baron was published in 2001. The panel also has contributed to the consensus document on European Brain Research to guide the planning for the VII Framework Programme.
This Scientific Panel comprises members from all EAN member countries. Please feel free to browse the Neuroimaging forum and give us your opinion on the field of Neuroimaging and aspects that would require Task Forces to study or implement them. Feel also free to indicate your willingness to serve on the Scientific Panel on Neuroimaging or in one of its Task Forces.
Filippi M, Agosta F, Barkhof F, Dubois B, Fox N C, Frisoni G B, Jack C R, Johannsen P, Miller B L, Nestor P J, Scheltens P, Sorbi S, Teipel S, Thompson P M and Wahlund L-O. EFNS task force: the use of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of dementia. Eur J Neurol. 2012 Dec; 19: 1487–1501.
Filippi M, Agosta F, Abrahams S, Fazekas F, Grosskreutz J, Kalra S, Kassubek J, Silani V, Turner M, Masdeu J. EFNS Guidelines on the use of neuroimaging in the management of motor neuron diseases. Eur J Neurol 2010;17:526-533. (Also available in: NE Gilhus, MP Barnes, M Brainin (eds) European Handbook of Neurological Management, 2nd edition. Vol 2. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Chichester UK 2011, pp 199-211)
Masdeu JC, Irima P, Asenbaum S, Bogousslavsky J, Brainin M, Chabriat H, Herholz K, Markus HS, Martinez-Vila E, Niederkorn K, Schellinger PD, Seitz RJ; EFNS guideline on neuroimaging in acute stroke. Report of an EFNS task force. Eur J Neurol. 2006 Dec; 13 (12): 1271-83. (Also available in: R Hughes, M Brainin, NE Gilhus (eds) European Handbook of Neurological Management. Blackwell, Oxford 2006. Pages 28-44)
Filippi M, Rocca MA, Arnold DL, Bakshi R, Barkhof F, De Stefano N, Fazekas F, Frohman , Wolinsky JS. EFNS guidelines on the use of neuroimagng in the management of multipe sclerosis. Eur J Neurol. 2006 Apr; 13(4): 313-25. (Also available in: R Hughes, M Brainin, NE Gilhus (eds) European Handbook of Neurological Management. Blackwell, Oxford 2006. Pages 45-62). An update is available as Filippi M, Rocca MA, Arnold DL, Bakshi R, Barkhof F, De Stefano N, Fazekas F, Frohman E, Miller DH, Wolinsky JS. Use of imaging in multiple sclerosis. In: European Handbook of Neurological Management, Vol 1, NE Gilhus, MP Barnes, M Brainin (eds), 2nd Edition. Wiley-Balckwell, Chichester (UK), 2010, pp 35-51
Pantano P, Chollet F, Paulson O, von Kummer R,Laihinen A, Leenders K,Yancheva S; European Federation of Neurological Societies Task Force of Neuroimaging in Neurology. Curricula in Europe: EFNS Task Force on Teaching of Neuroimaging in Neurology; Curricula in Europe: present status and recommendations for the future. Eur J Neurol. 2001 Nov; 8(6):541-48. Review.
Surveys and Statements on Research in Europe
Herholz K, Perani D, Fazekas F, Markus H, Baumgartner RW, Baron JC. A survey of neuroimaging research in European neurological departments. Eur J Neurol. 2001 Mar; 8(2):111-7.
Ackerberg C, Masdeu J, Hari R, Magisretti P, Duffau H, Ramsey N, Bunting C. Neuroimaging: From clinical application to basic principles. In: Olesen J, Baker MG, Freund T, di Luca M, Mendlewicz J, Ragan I, Westphal M. Consensus document on brain research. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2006; 77(Suppl. 1):142-143
Individual panel members

RRFS Member

Student Member

Partner Society Representatives

EPNS representative
EPA Representative
Institutional panel members