General information about sub-specialty
Neuroepidemiology is a branch of epidemiology that involves the study of the frequency, occurrence, risk factors, natural history, progression, prognosis, consequences and control of neurological disorders in human populations.
The basic concept of epidemiology is the construction and application of proper analytic methods to elaborate complex and heterogeneous data with the appropriate study design, methods to estimate the associations between causes of diseases and disease onset, natural history and frequencies, considering potential factors that could alter these estimates (interaction and confounding).
Neuroepidemiology has been traditionally considered as an observational science, but another important part is its experimental component, which aims to investigate the effectiveness of intervention therapies in neurologic disorders via the proper methodology of clinical trials.
Even more recently, diagnostic and prognostic research, has also become part of Neuroepidemiology.
About the EAN Scientific Panel Neuroepidemiology
- The Neuroepidemiology SP aims to promote neuroepidemiology-related issues, including educational and scientific activities within the framework of EAN.
- Due to their expertise in methodology, our panel members are committed to transversally collaborate with other EAN SP panels in ensuring adequate study designs and correct interpretation of results throughout European countries.
- The SP ultimately fosters the spread of an epidemiological culture among neurologists, as well as the establishment of neuroepidemiological study groups in countries developing a strong interest for the discipline (e.g. resource-poor countries).
- The panel further aims to promote and support the use of standardized strategies across the panels to produce EAN guidelines according to the EAN principles.
- The panel actively contributes to the Scientific Programme at annual EAN congresses, including educational activities like methodology-focused teaching courses, as well as to the educational content of the eLearning platform EAN Campus
At the end of 2008, the panel included 35 members from across Europe, high quality researchers covering focused interests in the epidemiology of a variety of neurological disorders, and clinical expertise. The SP was integrated with new members in order to geographically cover all European Countries, and allow active neuroepidemiologists to participate to our activities. Members have been shared the EAN general policies. All members, including RRFS members are invited to actively participate to the meetings held within the EAN annual congress, and encouraged to suggest topics and contribute to the sharing of knowledge in the field of Neuroepidemiology via Neurology Updates in the EAN Website, and the educational and scientific activities of the SP.
Individual panel members

RRFS Member

Student Member
Partner Society Representatives

AOAN Representative

EPNS representative
Institutional panel members