Neuro-oncology is an important and developing field of neurology, that primarily deals with diagnosis and treatment of both primary brain tumors and complications of systemic cancer. Other topics of interest and research are molecular genetics, paraneoplastic diseases, epilepsy and neurotoxicity (both central and peripheral).
The EAN Scientific Panel on Neuro-oncology is contributing to implement Neuro-oncology within European Neurology, with particular attention paid in the last years to the new EU countries.
A link has been established with the Section of Neuro-oncology of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), in order to improve the cooperation between Europe and US, regarding educational and organisational items. When in 2005 Neuro-oncology has been recognized as a subspecialty of neurology in US, a curriculum for Neuro-oncology has been developed, and this item is currently discussed in Europe. Due to the fact that Neuro-oncology is strongly multidisciplinary, contacts for future cooperation are being developed with the European Association for Neuro-Onocology (EANO).
The role of the neuro-oncologist in neurology has been the subject of a position paper: Grisold W, Heimans JJ, Postma TJ, Grant R, Soffietti R, and the Neuro-Oncology Panel of the EFNS, The position of the neurologist in Neuro-Oncology (CME-article), European Journal of Neurology 2002; 9:201-205
The Neuro-Oncology Panel has set up Task Forces to draw Guidelines in different specific topics. Up to date 4 Guidelines have been published:
"Management of paraneoplastic neurological syndromes: report of an EFNS Task Force” (C. A. Vedeler et al.; European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1, 2nd edition. Edited by N. E. Gilhus, M. P. Barnes and M. Brainin. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.)
"FNS Guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases: report of an EFNS Task Force” (R. Soffietti et al.; European Handbook of Neurological Management: Volume 1, 2nd edition. Edited by N. E. Gilhus, M. P. Barnes and M. Brainin. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.)
"Guidelines on management of low-grade gliomas: report of an EFNS-EANO Task Force” (Soffietti R et al, European Journal of Neurology 2010; 17:1124-1133)
"Screening for tumours in paraneoplastic syndromes: report of an EFNS task force” (Titulaer MJ, Soffietti R, et al. European Journal of Neurology 2011; 18:19-e3)
The EAN Subspecialty Scientific Panel on Neuro-oncology promotes Symposia and/or Teaching Courses and/or Focused Workshops at annual EAN meetings.
Individual panel members

RRFS Member

Student Member

Partner Society Representatives

EPNS representative

EANO representative
Institutional panel members