Higher cortical functions

The EAN Scientific Panel on Higher Cortical Function has the mission to disseminate advances in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology among the neurological community in Europe. The study of the neural foundations of cognition and behaviour was born within clinical neurology, and remains one of the cornerstones of the intellectual endowment of neurology.  The panel organizes symposia and teaching courses, and plans to develop evidence-based guidelines and to conduct European surveys:

This  Scientific Panel comprises members from all EAN member countries.

The following tasks have been completed:

Workshops and teaching activities

  • 2nd EAN congress in Copenhagen 2016: “New concepts about language processing in the brain”. The speakers were:  Cornelius Weiller, Freiburg, Germany, Convenor, The dual loop model and aphasia¸Thomas Bak, Edinburgh, UK, The impact of bilingualism on cognitive functions across the lifespan and in brain diseases;  Jean-François Démonet, Lausanne, Switzerland, The writing brain.
  • 3rd EAN congress in Amsterdam 2017: Focused workshop: Memory consolidation; Teaching course: Higher Cortical Function in neurology: an update.

Planned Projects

  • Proposal of a Task Force on a Cognitive Neurology curriculum for Europe
  • Proposal of survey about training in Cognitive Neurology in Europe
  • Proposal of Guidelines for Neurobehavioral assessment
  • 4th EAN congress in Lisbon, 2018: workshop "Lost in space - clinical and neurobiological aspects of topographagnosia"


Canu, Elisa
Canu, Elisa
Milan, Italy
Stefanova, Elka
Stefanova, Elka
Belgrade, Serbia

Management Group

Dobri-Nicoara, Ana Maria
Dobri-Nicoara, Ana Maria
Bucuresti, Romania
Kaya Gülec, Zeynep Ece
Kaya Gülec, Zeynep Ece
Istanbul, Turkey

RRFS Representative

Kaya Gülec, Zeynep Ece
Kaya Gülec, Zeynep Ece
Istanbul, Turkey

Individual panel members

Boban, Marina
Boban, Marina
Zagreb, Croatia
Brandt, Thomas
Brandt, Thomas
Munich, Germany
Demarin, Vida
Demarin, Vida
Zagreb, Croatia
Demirtas Tatlidede, Asli
Demirtas Tatlidede, Asli
Istanbul, Turkey
Dieterich, Marianne
Dieterich, Marianne
Munich, Germany
Filipovic, Sasa
Filipovic, Sasa
Belgrade, Serbia
Frederiksen, Kristian Steen
Frederiksen, Kristian Steen
København Ø, Denmark
Gluscevic, Sanja
Gluscevic, Sanja
PODGORICA, Montenegro
Godefroy, Olivier
Godefroy, Olivier
Amiens, France
Heide, Wolfgang
Heide, Wolfgang
Celle, Germany
Husain, Masud
Husain, Masud
Oxford, United Kingdom
Laczó, Jan
Laczó, Jan
Praha 5 - Motol, Czech Republic
Martins, Isabel Pavão
Martins, Isabel Pavão
Lisbon, Portugal
Mosa, Ahmed
Mosa, Ahmed
Mansoura, Egypt
Perju-Dumbrava, Lacramioara
Perju-Dumbrava, Lacramioara
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Shpilyukova, Yuliya
Shpilyukova, Yuliya
Moscow, Russian Federation

RRFS Representative

Bernardes, Catarina
Bernardes, Catarina
Coimbra, Portugal
Cabreira, Verónica
Cabreira, Verónica
EDINBURGH, United Kingdom
Calisi, Dario
Calisi, Dario
Pescara, Italy
Dobri-Nicoara, Ana Maria
Dobri-Nicoara, Ana Maria
Bucuresti, Romania
Durães, João
Durães, João
Coimbra, Portugal
Gonzalez Martinez, Alicia
Gonzalez Martinez, Alicia
Madrid, Spain
Guedes Vaz, Catarina
Guedes Vaz, Catarina
Porto, Portugal
Kara, Esra
Kara, Esra
Cologne, Germany
Massa, Federico
Massa, Federico
Genoa, Italy
Nencha, Umberto
Nencha, Umberto
Geneva, Switzerland
Ruzhdii, Nadia
Ruzhdii, Nadia
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Tábuas Pereira, Miguel
Tábuas Pereira, Miguel
Coimbra, Portugal

Student Member

Partner Society Representatives

Volpe, Umberto

EPA Representative

Volpe, Umberto
Ancona, Italy

Institutional panel members

Agkastinioti, Eleni
Agkastinioti, Eleni
Athanasaki, Athanasia
Athanasaki, Athanasia
Athens, Greece
Benedek, Irina
Benedek, Irina
Cluj Napoca, Romania
Bogolepova, Anna
Bogolepova, Anna
Moscow, Russian Federation
Bommarito, Giulia
Bommarito, Giulia
Genève, Switzerland
Bonelli, Silvia B.
Bonelli, Silvia B.
Vienna, Austria
Bregman, Noa
Bregman, Noa
Tel Aviv, Israel
Christou, Nasia
Christou, Nasia
thessaloniki, Greece
Dulamea, Adriana Octaviana
Dulamea, Adriana Octaviana
Bucharest, Romania
Eisenberg, Hanna
Eisenberg, Hanna
Goettingen, Germany
Gorčeva, Irena
Gorčeva, Irena
North Macedonia
Grosu, Oxana
Grosu, Oxana
Chisinau, Moldova
Gyimesi, Csilla
Gyimesi, Csilla
Pécs, Hungary
Klimkowicz, Alexandra
Klimkowicz, Alexandra
Krakow, Poland
Koivisto, Anne
Koivisto, Anne
Kuopio, Finland
Laczó, Martina
Laczó, Martina
Praha 5 - Motol, Czech Republic
Laczó, Jan
Laczó, Jan
Praha 5 - Motol, Czech Republic
Lazdovska, Krista
Lazdovska, Krista
Riga, Latvia
Miglane, Evija
Miglane, Evija
Riga, Latvia
Moldovanu, Ion
Moldovanu, Ion
Chisinau, Moldova
Muller, Richard
Muller, Richard
Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg
Münte, Thomas Frank
Münte, Thomas Frank
Magdeburg, Germany
Nathan, Talya
Nathan, Talya
Tel Aviv, Israel
Naumouskaya, Natalia
Naumouskaya, Natalia
Minsk, Belarus
Nyffeler, Thomas
Nyffeler, Thomas
Luzerne, Switzerland
Papagno, Costanza
Papagno, Costanza
Rovereto, Italy
Paraskevas, Georgios
Paraskevas, Georgios
N. Iraklio, Greece
Petrović, Igor
Petrović, Igor
Belgrade, Serbia
Pietruczuk, Aleksandra
Pietruczuk, Aleksandra
Lublin, Poland
Rektorova, Irena
Rektorova, Irena
Brno, Czech Republic
Rossini, Fabio
Rossini, Fabio
Salzburg, Austria
Salemme, Simone
Salemme, Simone
Modena, Italy
Samanci, Bedia
Samanci, Bedia
Istanbul, Turkey
Shestopalova, Lyudmyla
Shestopalova, Lyudmyla
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Stankovic, Iva
Stankovic, Iva
Belgrade, Serbia
Sutnikiene, Vaiva
Sutnikiene, Vaiva
Vilnius, Lithuania
Szlufik, Stanislaw
Szlufik, Stanislaw
Marki, Poland
Traykov, Latchesar
Traykov, Latchesar
Sofia, Bulgaria
Tuncer Elmaci, Nese
Tuncer Elmaci, Nese
Istanbul, Turkey
Vaitkevicius, Arunas
Vaitkevicius, Arunas
Vilnius, Lithuania
Viñuela Fernández, Félix
Viñuela Fernández, Félix
Xhelili, Malbora
Xhelili, Malbora
Tirana, Albania
Zekja, Ilirjana
Zekja, Ilirjana
Tirana, Albania