Francois Boller, France

Francois Boller, France
François Boller wrote to the MC of the EFNS at a very early point in time and offered his support. This was before we started our journal, and we did not quite know what to offer to him. However, when we started European Journal of Neurology and needed an editor, his name came up. He had shown interest in our organization, had an excellent international background, spoke many languages fluently and had himself been a prolific writer. He immediately accepted when we offered him the job (unpaid at the time) of editor in chief together with Per Soelberg Sørensen. It was a hazardous job to edit a new journal at times when most existing journals were suffering. However, François Boller with his flamboyant gallic mind and Per Soelberg Sørensen with his cooler Scandinavian judgement proved to be just the right cocktail. They developed and managed the journal with excellence despite modest administrative support. When they stepped down, Francois was rightfully made an honorary member of the EFNS while Per, being the youngest, moved on to take the chair of the publication committee.
(by Jes Olesen)