EFNS Academy for young neurologists
Almost in coincidence with founding the EFNS the iron curtain dividing Europe has just broken. There have arisen incentives for three different educational activities. In 2000 we started an annual four-day course which gathered since that time each year about 80 participants from 16 – 24 countries. This became soon an attractive tradition in a new location in Stare Splavy, close to Prague. From 2004 onwards the project has been named „The EFNS Academy for young neurologists“. The new name was first coined by Johan Aarli; today President of the WFN. In the past few years the attendance surpassed 115 participants. More than 70 top European experts lectured in these courses on more than 15 neurological diseases to a satisfaction of more than 700 young colleagues. Letters of appreciation of this EFNS fully sponsored Academy were also directed to the merits of Ing. Magda Dohnalová, EFNS branch office secretary, and a responsible administrative organizer of the event. Some pictures in this book feature the beautiful countryside of the Academy and its friendly atmosphere.
Text by AssProf. Pavel Kalvach
* The Academy for Young Neurologists was renamed into EFNS Spring School in 2012

2000 Třešt', Czech Republic
2001 Třešt', Czech Republic
2002 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2003 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2004 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2005 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2006 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2007 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2008 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2009 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2010 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2011 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2012 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2013 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic
2014 Staré Splavy, Czech Republic