Congresses and Meetings
A congress of the Pan European Society of Neurology was held in Prague in 1989, the next one was planned for 1991 in Vienna. In the meantime things regarding the foundation of the EFNS happened as can be read in the introduction. During the second Congress of the Pan-European Society of Neurologists in Vienna the EFNS was founded and replaced the Pan European Society.
At this time ENS held congresses biannually and the EFNS tried to negotiate with the ENS alternating congresses. These negotiations however never came to an end and therefore the EFNS decided in a very short time to hold a meeting in Berlin, which was excellently organized by Karl Einhäupl. Still in the hope of an agreement with the ENS, we decided to start with our first official congress in Marseille in 1995. The answer of the ENS was to change from biannually to yearly congresses. From that point it was clear for the EFNS to do the same, and again held a meeting, this time in Poznan in 1994 and here Professor Wender organized it as well as Professor Einhäupl in Berlin.
With the congress in Marseille started a row of increasingly important and successful yearly congresses, beginning with 2000 participants which increased to more than 4000 during the next 12 years. Financially in Marseille we started with a plus minus zero result. This also turned to a success so that we were able to start and afford all the additional activities well known in the meantime by the European Neurological Community.

1991 Vienna, Austria
Second Pan-European Society of Neurology Congress, Vienna, Austria, 7 - 12 December 1991
Under the Auspices of the World federation of Neurology (President: Lord Walton of Detchant)
President of the Pan-European Society of Neurology: D. Bartko
International Congress Committee:
Members: Lord Walton of Detchant, B. Dadaljan, Frank Clifford-Rose, A Lowenthal, K. Poeck, P. Portera-Sanchez, F. Seitelberger, J. Toole
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Franz Gerstenbrand
Members: Lüder Deecke, Eberhard Deisenhammer, H. Lechner, D. Klingler, H. Binder, Bruno Mamoli, Franz Fazekas, Erich Schmutzhard, K. Zeiler
During the 2nd Pan-European Congress, Vienna, Austria in 1991 the EFNS was founded
1993 Berlin, Germany
1st EFNS Meeting , Berlin, Germany, 8 - 11 December 1993
1000 participants
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Karl Einhäupl
The meeting was organized by the Department of Neurology of the Charite, Berlin Humboldt University Medical School

1994 Poznan, Poland
2nd EFNS Meeting, Poznan, Poland, 24 - 26 November 1994
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Mieczyslaw Wender
Members: Jes Olesen, J. Losy, D. Lenart-Jankowska, D. Pruchnik, E. Tokarz-Kupczyk, W. Waraczynski

1995 Marseille, France
1st EFNS Congress, Marseille, France, 9 - 14 September 1995
1,500 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Georges Serratrice, France
Members: Yves Agid, France; Julien Bogousslavsky, Switzerland; Pierre Cesaro, France; Richard S.J. Frackowiack, UK; Bernard Lechevalier, France; Salvadore Di Mauro, USA; Jorma Palo, Finland; Jean Schoenen, Belgium; Eduardo Tolosa, Spain; Jean-Marie Warter, France
Local Organising Committee
President: Georges Serratrice
Members: Claude Desnuelle, Jean-Louis Gastaut, André Nieoullon, Jean-Francois Pellissier, Michel Poncet
1996 Rome, Italy
2nd EFNS Regional Meeting, Rome, Italy, 30 October - 3 November 1996
2,000 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Cesare Fieschi, Italy
Members: Luigi Amaducci, Italy; Michel Clanet, France; Karl Einhäupl, Germany; Peter Goadsby, UK; Gian Luigi Lenzi, Italy; Urpo Rinne, Finland; Vito Toso, Italy
Local Organising Committee
Members: Cesare Fieschi, Gian Luigi Lenzi, Giovanni Fabbrini, Neri Carlo Accornero, Giuseppe Amabile, Giorgio Bernardi, Luigi Bozzao, Carlo Caltagirone, Gian Paolo Cantore, Roberto Delfini, Fausto Fiume, Aldo Fortuna, Guido Gainotti, Salvatore Giaquinto, Bruno Jandolo, Aldo Laterza, Giorgio Macchi, Mario Manfredi, Maria Grazia Marciani, Cristoforo Morocutti, Guido Palladini, Giuseppe Piazza, Massimiliano Prencipe, Gian Franco Ricci, Francesco Paolo Rossini, Pietro Tonali, Raffaello Vizioli

1997 Prague, Czech Republic
3rd EFNS Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 4 - 8 June 1997
1000 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Germany
Members: Zdenek Ambler, Poland; August C. Declerck, The Netherlands; Andrew J. Lees, UK; Edgar Lukas, Czech Republic; Alberto Portera-Sanchez, Spain; Ivan Rektor, Czech Republic; Imre Szirmai, Hungary
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Pavel Kalvach
Members: Pavel Adam, Edvard Ehler, Zbynek Kalita, Jolana Markova, Jiri Obenberger, Jan Roth, Karel Urbanek
1998 Seville, Spain
3rd EFNS Congress, Seville, Spain, 19 - 25 September 1998
4,200 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Germany
Members: José Chacón, Spain; Hugo Liano, Spain; José Miguel Lainez, Spain; S.D. Shorvon, UK; Per Soelberg Sörensen, Denmark; László Vécsei, Hungary
Local Organising Committee
Members: Roman Alberca, Felix Bermejo, José Chacón
1999 Lisbon, Portugal
4th EFNS Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 7 - 11 September 1999
3,050 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Germany
Members: Michael P. Barnes, UK; António Bastos Lima, Portugal; Alexandre Castro Caldas, Portugal; Luís Cunha, Portugal; Mogens Dam, Denmark; Zoltan Nagy, Hungary; Maria Teresa Paiva, Portugal
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Isabel Leite
Members: Mamede de Carvalho, Manuel Correia, Paula Esperanca, Joaquim J. Ferreira, M. Antónia Ferro, Carolina Garrett, Isabel Pavao Martins, Teresa Pinho e Melo, Victor Oliveira, Lívia Sousa, José Vale
2000 Copenhagen, Denmark
5th EFNS Congress, Copenhagen, October 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 18 October 2000
2,200 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Germany
Members: Johan A. Aarli, Norway; Gudrun Boysen, Denmark; Richard A.C. Hughes, UK; Johannes Jakobsen, Denmark; Jean-Marc Orgogozo, France; Per Soelberg Sörensen, Denmark; László Vécsei, Hungary; Lene Werdelin, Denmark
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Gudrun Boysen
Members: Allan R. Andersen, Peter B. Christensen, Erik Dupont, Klaus Hansen, Kaj Jensen, Troels S. Jensen; Karsten Overgaard, Birthe K. Rasmussen; Peer Tfelt-Hansen; Sissel Vorstrup, Gunhild Waldemar
2001 London, United Kingdom
17th WCN world congress of neurology and 5th EFNS Congress, London, United Kingdom, 17 - 22 June 2001
Due to an agreement between WFN and EFNS not to organise an EFNS Congress in case the WFN Congress is held in Europe no EFNS Congress took place in 2001.The EFNS, however, was invited to co-sponsor the WFN Congress in London in 2001 and the president of the EFNS, Jes Olesen, joined and was a member of the Executive Organising Committee for the London Congress.
Find out more about this congress here

2002 Vienna, Austria
6th EFNS Congress, Vienna, Austria, 26 - 30 October 2002
3,500 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Germany
Members: Wolfgang Grisold, Austria - Vice chair; Andrew Lees, UK; Franz Aichner, Austria; Jacques De Reuck, Belgium; Richard A.C. Hughes, UK; Jean-Marc Orgogozo, France; Werner Poewe, Austria; Per Soelberg Sorensen, Denmark; László Vécsei, Hungary
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Eduard Auff
Members: Lüder Deecke, Hans-Peter Hartung, Gunther Ladurner, Bruno Mamoli, Erwin Ott, Manfred Schmidbauer, Gernot Schnaberth
2003 Helsinki, Finland
7th EFNS Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 30 August - 2 September 2003
3,200 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Jacques De Reuck, Belgium
Members: Vice Chair: † Jorma Palo, Finland; Johan A. Aarli, Norway; Murat Emre, Turkey; Richard A.C. Hughes, UK; Markku Kaste, Finland, † Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Andrew Lees, UK - Representative MDS-ES; Riccardo Soffietti, Italy; Hilkka Soininen, Finland
Local Organising Committee
Chair: † Jorma Palo Vice chair: Markku Kaste
Members: Sari Kiuru-Enari, Matti Hillbom, Mervi Kotila
2004 Paris, France
8th EFNS Congress, Paris, France, 4 - 7 September 2004
4,250 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Jacques De Reuck, Belgium
Members: Jean-Marc Léger - Vice Chairman, France; Johan A. Aarli, Norway; Michel Clanet, France; Murat Emre, Turkey; Richard A.C. Hughes, UK; † Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Andrew Lees, UK - Representative MDS-E; Riccardo Soffietti, Italy; Jean-Michel Vallat, France
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Yves Agid
Members: Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny - Vice-Chair; Jean-Marc Léger - Secretary, Michel Clanet, Hubert Déchy, Jean-Yves Delattre, Alain Destée, Bruno Dubois, Edouard Hirsch, David Laplaud, Jean-Louis Mas, Jean-Michel Vallat, François Viallet
2005 Athens, Greece
9th EFNS Congress, Athens, Greece, 17 - 20 September 2005
4,500 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Jacques De Reuck, Belgium
Members: Pangiota Davaki - Vice Chair, Greece; Murat Emre, Turkey; Richard A.C. Hughes, UK; Detlef Kömpf, Germany; † Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Ioannis Milonas, Greece; Riccardo Soffietti, Italy; Eduardo Tolosa, Spain - Representative MDS-ES; Demetris Vassilopoulos, Greece
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Panagiota Davaki
Members: Klementine Karageorgiou; Ioannis Milonas, Elefterios Staboulis, Demetris Vassilopoulos
2006 Glasgow, United Kingdom
10th EFNS Congress, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 3 - 6 September 2006
4,500 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Jacques De Reuck, Belgium
Members: Ian Bone - Vice Chairman, UK; David Chadwick, UK; Murat Emre, Turkey; Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway; Detlef Kömpf, Germany; † Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Niall Quinn, UK - Representative MDS-ES; Pamela Shaw, UK; Riccardo Soffietti, Italy;
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Ian Bone
Members: John Greene, Donald Grosset, Richard Metcalfe, Keith Muir, Colin Mumford, Richard Petty
2007 Brussels, Belgium
11th EFNS Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 25 - 28 August 2007
4,000 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Gian Luigi Lenzi, Italy
Members: Jean Schoenen - Vice Chairman, Belgium; Hans-Christoph Diener, Germany - Representative EHF; Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway; Detlef Kömpf, Germany; † Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Jean-Marc Léger, France; Alex Michotte, Belgium; Wolfgang Oertel, Germany - Representative MDS-ES; Per Soelberg Sörensen, Denmark; Peter van den Bergh, Belgium
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Jean Schoenen
Members: Serge Blecic, Paul Boon, Patrick Cras, Thierry de Barsy, Guy Ebinger, Patrice Laloux, Gustave Moonen, Massimo Pandolfo, Wim Robberecht, Christian Sindic, Wim Van Paesschen, Michel Van Zandijcke
2008 Madrid, Spain
12th EFNS Congress, Madrid, Spain, 23 - 26 August 2008
5,080 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Gian Luigi Lenzi, Italy
Members: Antonio Gil-Nagel - Vice Chairman, Spain; Marcelo L. Berthier Torres, Spain; Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway; Francisco Javier Grandas Perez, Spain; Max Hilz, Germany - Representative EFAS; Detlef Kömpf, Germany;† Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Jean-Marc Léger, France; Wolfgang Oertel, Germany - Representative MDS-ES; Per Soelberg Sörensen, Denmark;
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Rosario Luquin Piudo
Members: Immaculada Bonaventura Ibars, Maria Dolores Martinez Lozano, Valentin Mateos Marcos, Pedro Jesus Porta Etessam, Pedro Jesus Serrano Castro
2009 Florence, Italy
13th EFNS Congress, Florence, Italy, 12 - 15 September 2009
5,500 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Gian Luigi Lenzi, Italy
Members: Antonio Federico - Vice Chairman; Alfredo Berardelli, Italy - representative MDS-ES; Giorgio Bernardi, Italy; Hans-Christoph Diener, Germany - Representative EHF, Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway; Detlef Kömpf, Germany; † Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Jean-Marc Léger, France; Per Soelberg Sörensen, Denmark; Gioacchino Tedeschi, Italy
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Antonio Federico
Members: Giorgio Bernardi, Giancarlo Comi, Domenico Inzitari, Ginaluigi Mancardi, Luigi Murri, Sandro Sorbi, Gioacchino Tedeschi, Aldo Quattrone
2010 Geneva, Switzerland
14th EFNS Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 - 28 September 2010
5,300 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Gian Luigi Lenzi, Italy
Members: Theodór Landis - Vice Chairman; Claudio Bassetti, Switzerland; Alfredo Berardelli, Italy - representative MDS-ES; Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway; Christian Hess, Switzerland; Detlef Kömpf, Germany; † Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland; Jean-Marc Léger, France; Per Soelberg Sörensen, Denmark
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Pierre Burkhard
Members: Max Wiederkehr, Joseph Ghika, Laurence Fankhauser, Jean-Marie Annoni
2011 Budapest, Hungary
15th EFNS Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 10 - 13 September 2011
4900 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway
Members: László Vécsei, Hungary - Vice Chairman; Michael Brainin, Austria; László Csiba, Hungary; Marianne de Visser, The Netherlands; Rigmor Jensen, Denmark - Representative EHF; Alla Guekht, Russia; Sámuel Komoly, Hungary; Jean-Marc Léger, France; Werner Poewe, Austria - Representative MDS-ES; Hilkka Soininen, Finland
Local Organising Committee
Chair: László Vécsei
Members: Dániel Bereczki; László Csiba; Sámuel Komoly; Zoltán Nagy; Imre Szirmai; János TajtiStoll, Germany
2012 Stockholm, Sweden
16th EFNS Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 8 - 11 September 2012
5500 participants
Congress Programme Committee
Chair: Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway
Members: Sten Fredrikson, Sweden - Vice Chairman; Members: Magnus L.A. Andersson, Sweden; Michael Brainin, Austria; Marianne de Visser, The Netherlands; Alla Guekht, Russia; Max Hilz, Germany - Representative EFAS; Jean-Marc Léger, France; Werner Poewe, Austria - Representative MDS-ES; Anja Smits, Sweden; Hilkka Soininen, Finland
Local Organising Committee
Chair: Sten Fredrikson
Members: Magnus L.A. Andersson; Lars Forsgren; Torbjorn Tomson; Nils Wahlgren; Hakan Widner
2013 Vienna, Austria
21st WCN world congress of neurology and 17th EFNS congress, Vienna, Austria, 21 - 26 September 2013
6400 Participants
Due to an agreement between WFN and EFNS not to organise an EFNS Congress in case the WFN Congress is held in Europe no EFNS Congress took place in 2013.
The EFNS, however, was invited to co-sponsor the WFN Congress in Vienna 2013.
Richard Hughes joined the Local Congress Organizing Committee, Nils Erik Gilhus joined the Congress Scientific Organising committee , Jean-Marc Léger and Detlef Kömpf joined the Congress Education and Teaching course Committee for the Vienna Congress.
2014 Istanbul, Turkey
EFNS/ENS Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May - 3 June 2014
5900 participants
Congress Programme Committee:
Co-Chairs: Jacques de Reuck, Belgium & Gustave Moonen, Belgium
Members: Michael Brainin, Austria; Hannah Cock, UK; Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway; Jean-Marc Léger, France; Aksel Siva, Turkey; Guido Stoll, Germany; Ersin Tan, Turkey
In 2014 the EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies) and ENS (European Neurological Society) organised a Joint Congress of Neurology in Istanbul, Turkey. During this congress, the European Academy of Neurology was founded.