Publication Committee
The Publication Committee develops recommendations for maintenance and expansion of the EFNS publication interests. Supervises publication of the European Journal of Neurology, the official scientific journal of the EFNS, the EFNS Newsletter and the EFNS Directory.
In 2010 this committee was dissolved and the President is the contact between the Management committee and the European Journal of Neurology.

no personal remarks

I have little memory left of the time I carried out this function but I believe we negotiated the Blackwell contract.

I took over the chair of the Publication Committee in 2004 when I stepped down as co-editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Neurology. My first task was to find a replacement for me as co-editor-in-chief. We succeeded in recruiting professor Matti Hillbom and the perfect collaboration between Francois Boller and Matti Hillbom extended to December 2005 when Professor Boller left his position. Fortunately we found an excellent successor of Francois Boller, Professor Anthony Shapira, London, UK.
The publication committee has supported the editors in their wish to increase the volume of the European Journal of Neurology in order to get rid of the backlog of the accepted manuscripts waiting for publication.
This task was successfully accomplished by the end of 2007 and publication on the web was introduced in 2006. We established a common editorial office in Oulu, Finland and introduced electronic manuscript handling.
In 2006 EFNS had negotiations about collaboration with Nature Clinical Practice Neurology, a project that however came to nothing. In 2006 the European Handbook of Neurological Management was successfully launched.