Management Committee
The members of the Management Committee (MC) are:
- The President
- The Past President
- The Secretary General
- The Treasurer
- 3 Vice Presidents, representing 3 defined regions of Europe
- 2 Members at Large (only until 2011)
The Members are elected by council for a 2-year term and they can be re-elected once.
The MC has full authority to decide on all matters of the Federation, which cannot be postponed until the next Council meeting (day to day business). All these decisions must subsequently be reported to and ratified by the EFNS's Council of Delegates. The MC is consulted about chairpersons and members of standing committees and task forces.
The MC meets at least twice a year.
By Eberhard Deisenhammer

Johan A. Aarli, Norway
Michael P. Barnes, United Kingdom
Natan Bornstein, Israel
Giorgio Cruccu, Italy
Endre Csanda, Hungary
Jacques L. De Reuck, Belgium
Eberhard Deisenhammer, Austria
Cesare Fieschi, Italy
Franz Gerstenbrand, Austria
Richard Godwin-Austen, United Kingdom
Werner Hacke, Germany
Dimiter Hadjiev, Bulgaria
Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Germany
Richard Hughes, United Kingdom
Isabel Illa, Spain
Sergei Illarioshkin, Russia
Pavel Kalvach, Czech Republic
Detlef Kömpf, Germany
Gian Luigi Lenzi, Italy
Jean-Marc Leger, France
Jes Olesen, Denmark
Michael A. Piradov, Russia
Krzysztof W. Selmaj, Poland
Georges T. Serratrice, France
Eduardo Tolosa, Spain
Jean-Michel Vallat, France
David B. Vodusek, Slovenia
Laszlo Vecsei, Hungary
Gunhild Waldemar, Denmark
Marianne de Visser, Netherlands