Byelaws and Membership Committee
The Byelaws and Membership Committee reviews, revises and updates EFNS Constitution and Byelaws and maintains them in a condition that accurately reflects the needs, goals and services of the EFNS. This committee assures that proper membership status is provided for all present and potential EFNS members, recommends methods for strengthening individual and corporate membership and reviews applications from new national neurological societies for membership.
In 2010 this committee was dissolved and the Secretary General is responsible for the byelaws and membership of the EFNS.

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She is co-operating on a permanent basis with many neurological centers all over the world. Her main interests are: stroke, neuroimmunology - especially investigations on multiple sclerosis and inflammation in neurodegeneration, Wilson's diseases and in last years also neurorehabilitation. From 1998-2002 she was coordinating the National Program for Prevention and Treatment of Stroke, and now she is coordinating the neurological chapter of the National Program for Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases (POLKARD).
In 1996-99 she was the President of the Polish Society of Neurology. Now she is President of Central and East European Stroke Society. Professor Anna Czlonkowska is a member correspondent of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member correspondent of American Neurological Association and a member correspondent of German Society of Neurology.
In years 1997-2003 she was a chair of the Byelaws and Membership Committee of the EFNS. In 1992 and since 2000 till now she is the delegate of Polish Neurological Society to EFNS.

My involvement with the EFNS started during my tenure as president of the Spanish Society of Neurology. At that time I realized that the EFNS in addition to being a scientific society was involved in teaching and promoting the dissemination of scientific information and knowledge across Europe. In 2001 I became member-at-large of the Management Committee. For this I thank Jean Marc Leger who encouraged my participation. I went to my first meeting eager to participate and exchange ideas with my colleagues. I was therefore surprised that at the end of that meeting I had absolutely no idea of how big and complicated the EFNS was nor did I have any idea of what had actually happened at the meeting. With the guidance of the committee members and in particular Dr. Friederike Susanne Tschabitscher, and later Ms Lisa Müller, I came to understand the process and the complexity of what the EFNS was trying to accomplish. Today, when I reflect back I could not have imagined that we would have come so far and accomplished so much. Working together, this committee, with members from many different countries was and remains able to find common ground and achieve common goals. In addition to my work on the Management Committee I am proud of the work done by the Neuropathy Panel under the expert guidance of Dr. Richard Hughes that has produced guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. Currently I am a vice president of the Management Committee and it pleases me to note that the other vice president is also a woman. Supporting the involvement of women in the EFNS and in clinical neurology in Europe is of particular importance to me.

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