Guideline Production Group
Production of European standards of diagnosis, treatment and care within the various subfields of neurology, is one of the most important aims. EAN therefore strives to develop guidelines for the most important neurological diseases. The guidelines are currently prepared by ad-hoc task forces, usually suggested by the Scientific Panels, according to a well-established procedure.
The GPG applies GRADE system - formal process to rate the quality of scientific evidence in systematic reviews and to develop recommendations in guidelines that are as evidence-based as possible.
Methodological assistance is offered by the Guideline Production Group (GPG), that is also in charge of controlling the guideline production process.
The GPG has one Resident and Research Fellow Section and one European Federation of Neurological Associations representative. The Chair of the Scientific Committee is also its member.
The GPG is part of the EAN committee structure and collaborates closely with the Scientific Committee.
The GPG meets twice a year. Once at the Head office for a full-day meeting and once at the EAN annual congress. The GPG has monthly telephone conferences to discuss the ongoing guideline production.
- Follow-up of EAN guideline production and review of GLs.
The GPG oversees the guideline production, reviews the documents submitted by the task forces to ensure the conformity with the EAN rules, and ensures that the timelines are considered. - Assistance to the Scientific Panels and EAN task forces with methodology.
The GPG assists the task forces with methodology. - Education on guideline production.
The GPG organises guideline production courses, when applicable, ideally once a year. The GPG submits articles on guideline production to the eCommunication Board to be published in EAN pages, the newsblog. - Organisation of a special session on guidelines
The GPG organises a special session on EAN guidelines that have been/are under finalisation, to disseminate the information on the new guideline. - Guidelines International Network
EAN is an institutional member of the Guidelines International Network.
The GPG submits the new guidelines to the G-I-N platform and actively participates to the conference (with an abstract) if applicable.










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Ex-officio member

Ex-officio member
Patient Advocate
Patient Advocate