Education Committee
The Education Committee (EC) develops recommendations and monitors activities related to educational issues. The Chair of this committee is a full member of the EAN Board. According to the mission of EAN, the aim is to define the standard skills of a European neurologist and to provide as much education to European neurologists as needed.
Throughout the year, the Education committee has the following agenda:
- It compiles and distributes information about fellowship programmes dedicated to Neurologists in training who are members of the Resident and Research Fellows Section (RRFS), and identifies certified training departments for these fellowship programmes. Additionally, it establishes co-operation between European neurological departments.
- It is dedicated to the advancement of future grants and professional development programmes.
- It is first contact when collaboration on educational activities with other partner societies or partners is developed.
- Together with the Teaching course sub-Committee (TCsC), it has set defining standards for all educational activities in the form of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
- Together with the members of the Joint Education board (JEB) and the UEMS-SN, it oversees the collaboration and common goals of the two partner organisations
- Striving to enhance all educational programmes, evaluations for each event were developed and are constantly monitored by the Ethics and Quality Task Force.
The Education Committee is comprised of four regular members and additionally three Joint Education Board (JEB) members, one representative from the Ethics and Quality Task Force, the Residents and Research Fellows Sections (RRFS) and the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA), plus one observer from the EAN Communication Committee.
The Teaching course sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the Education committee, responsible for the content of educational sessions at the annual congress and other educational events throughout the year, such as the EAN Spring and Autumn School, RTCs and EAN-Days. The chair is a member on the Education Committee.
The eLearning Editorial Board is an integrated part of the Education committee and is responsible for the implementation of the EAN online learning platform and the development of ongoing online learning possibilities such as webinars and virtual masterclasses. It is chaired by the Editor-in-Chief, together with 4 associate editors. Scientific Panels and Committees have supporting representatives, to ensure cross-committee collaboration.
The EC works actively with the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – Section of Neurology (UEMS-SN) in pursuit of common European educational standards as well as the European Board Examination in Neurology; For this reason, the Joint Educational Board (JEB) was found. The three EAN members of the JEB are also members of the EC.
For special tasks or projects, working groups or task forces are installed, such as the Mentorship Task Force who is overseeing the 1-year Mentorship programme, the Leadership Task Force who has created a 2-year Leadership programme and is overseeing the curriculum, or the Africa Task Force who is in charge of the annual RTC in Sub-Saharan Africa.









Editor-in-Chief eLearning

Chair Teaching Course sub-Committee

RRFS Representative

EQTF Representative

EFNA Representative

JEB Representative

JEB Representative