Pre-graduate Curriculum Task Force
The Pre-graduate Curriculum Task Force is an independent working group. They report directly to the Education committee and the EAN Board.
The Task force is composed of senior members of the EAN with experience in the field of medical education and strong relations to undergraduate teaching, as well as representatives from the EAN Residents and Research Fellow Section (RRFS) and in future EFNA, our partner for patient involvement and also the EAN Student Task Force.
It is vital to our mission that we support young neurologists and students and show the youngest generations that there is a clear pathway into our field. With the establishment of a Student Task Force, and possibilities to attend and benefit from the annual congress, plus a Student fellowship, EAN is already deeply engaged in a student strategy.
One project or priority of the EAN Board until 2024 is the preparation of a “Pre-graduate curriculum”, which can be used afterwards as a recommendation and guidance paper to our many neurological member societies and medical universities when looking at teaching in neurology. EAN felt that the pre-graduate curriculum would be natural successor of the Residency curriculum (ETRN) but with a different aim. The European Training Requirements in Neurology are more detailed with the EBN exam as final end.
Harmonisation of education in neurology across Europe is on of EAN’s main aims. The problem is the integration of the neurological knowledge in the medical knowledge. A lot of mobility, with doctors traveling from one country to the other and get teaching in various universities and hospitals enhances this factor.









Student Representative
Student Representative

Student Representative

RRFS Representative