Mentorship Task Force

The EAN Mentorship Task Force is an independent working group composed to develop and work on this programme. They report directly to the Education committee and the EAN Board. 

Among their responsibilities are: 

  • Setting up a matching programme for mentors and mentees. 
  • Defining and creating all necessary documentation, forms, operating procedures and assessment of the programme 
  • Find suitable matches among all applications and oversee and support the pairs during their 1-year engagement. 
  • Preparing the annual congress workshop (career development session) 


Definition of the Mentorship Programme: 

The EAN Mentorship Programme enables early-career neurologists to connect with Europe’s best clinicians, educators, and scientists in the field and vice versa. It promotes neurologists in training or at the start of their clinical/academic career, i.e. mentees, to determine or strengthen their focus and develop their full potential.  Simultaneously, it allows mentors to reflect and strengthen their mentoring skills aside from their contribution to bring neurology forward. 

This programme is for members of EAN who either originate or work in an EAN member country. 


Morgante, Francesca
Morgante, Francesca
London, United Kingdom
Perrenoud, Matthieu
Perrenoud, Matthieu
Lausanne, Switzerland


Aybek, Selma
Aybek, Selma
Fribourg, Switzerland
Carneiro, Diogo
Carneiro, Diogo
Coimbra, Portugal
Falup Pecurariu, Cristian
Falup Pecurariu, Cristian
Brasov, Romania
Schreier, David
Schreier, David
Cambridge, United States
Wojtecki, Lars
Wojtecki, Lars
Kempen, Germany
Vlad, Irina Maria

RRFS Representative

Vlad, Irina Maria
Cluj Napoca, Romania