ENS Finances
Financial Support for the ENS
Initially, the financial support for the ENS came from one sponsoring pharmaceutical company interested in peripheral nerve disorders (Servier, France). The first meeting of the ENS generated income from the membership fees, from congress fees and from other sources. Only a small proportion of the income came from the pharmaceutical industry (60,000 FF, equivalent to approx. 10,000 Euros). This changed fundamentally when AKM took over as professional congress organizer (PCO). The first AKM-run meeting was 1992 in Lausanne with a budget 6 times as large as the one of the inaugural meeting. The contribution of the treasurer A. Steck and of AKM staff members and later the Congrex staff members, namely Sabine Geiger (until her untimely death), Sabine Adam and Julia Bicher have been very important for the development of ENS.
On every business meeting the treasurer presented the budget and the overall performance of the ENS accounts. The finances remained healthy over the entire lifespan of the ENS, allowing to generously support travel grants and fellowships for young neurologists as well as supporting the Journal of Neurology.
The ENS budget of 2012 is displayed as a representative example of income and expenditures in the 17th year since its foundation.
Figure 6a,b: Budget of the ENS in the year 2012 (Subscriptions refers to the Journal of Neurology which had become the ENS Journal by contract with Springer-Steinkopf Publishers; the dominant expenditures have been highlighted by an enlarged font)