ENS Congresses
The inaugural 1st Meeting of the ENS in Nice, France, in 1988
The inaugural 1st Meeting of the ENS was held in Nice, France, in 1988 with about 1000 participants.
P. Martin, Congress president, 3 Honorary Presidents
Executive Committee: PK. Thomas (President), G. Said (General Secretary) G. Franck (Vice-President), A. E. Harding (Director of the Teaching Programme), W.I. McDonald (Director of the Scientific Programme), P. Rondot (Vice President), A. Steck (Treasurer), P.K. Thomas (President), K.V. Toyka (Director of the Membership Committee); Members at large: O. Abramsky, J. van Gijn, G. Scarlato, J.J. Zarranz
Funding was a major obstacle in the early days of the ENS. All contracts with the venue and companies were negotiated and signed by G. Said. The local organizing committee, headed by Professor Martin, who also designed the ENS logo, some members of the EC, and the Said Family helped with all local activities before and during the congress.
The budget was unusually small with revenues coming from the ENS, the City of Nice and other local agencies. The support from the pharmaceutical industry was only about 5% of the total revenues
2nd Meeting of the ENS, Brighton, UK, in 1990
PK. Thomas and A.E. Harding, Congress Co-Presidents, 3 Honorary Presidents
Executive Committee: P. Rondot (President), G. Said (Secretary), O. Abramsky, Th. Brandt, S. Di Donato, G. Franck, A.E. Harding, W.I. McDonald, O. Paulson, G. Scarlato, A. Steck, P.K. Thomas, K.V. Toyka, J. Van Gijn, J.J. Zarranz
3rd Meeting of the ENS, Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1992
A. Steck, Congress President
Executive Committee: G. Franck (President), G. Said (Secretary), O. Abramsky, Th. Brandt, S. Di Donato, G. Franck, A.E. Harding, W.I. McDonald, O. Paulson, G. Scarlato, A. Steck, P.K. Thomas, K.V. Toyka, J. Van Gijn, J.J. Zarranz
4th Meeting of the ENS, Barcelona, Spain, in 1994
N. Acarin, Congress President
Executive Committee: W.I. McDonald (President), G. Said (Secretary), O. Abramsky, Th. Brandt, S. Di Donato, G. Franck, A.E. Harding, H.-P. Hartung, G.J. Hildebrand, H. Kwiecinski, O. Paulson, H. Petit, G. Scarlato, A. Steck (Treasurer), E. Tolosa
In Barcelona it was decided to have annual meetings starting in 1995 and presidency terms of one year instead of two.
5th Meeting of the ENS, Munich, Germany, in 1995
T. Brandt, Congress President
Executive Committee: G. Scarlato (President), G. Said (Secretary), Th. Brandt, S. Di Donato, H.-P. Hartung, G.J. Hildebrand, C. Kennard, C. Krarup, H. Kwiecinski, W.I. McDonald, O. Paulson, H. Petit, A. Steck, E. Tolosa, F.G.A. van der Mechè
6th Meeting of the ENS, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1996
J.H.J. Wokke, Congress President
Executive Committee; A. Steck (President), G. Said (Secretary), J. Berciano, J. Bogousslavasky, Th. Brandt, D.A.S. Compston, S. Di Donato, H.-P. Hartung, C. Kennard, C. Krarup, H. Kwiecinski, D. Leys, E. Tolosa, F.G.A. van der Mechè

7th Meeting of the ENS, Rhodes, Greece, 1997
I. Milonas, Congress President
Executive Committee: J. van Gijn (President), G. Said (Secretary), J. Berciano, J. Bogousslavsky, Th. Brandt, D.A.S. Compston, S. Di Donato, H.-P. Hartung, C. Kennard, C. Krarup, H. Kwiecinski, D. Leys, E. Tolosa, F.G.A. van der Mechè

8th Meeting of the ENS, Nice, France, 1998
M. Chatel, Congress President
Executive Committee: Th. Brandt (President), G. Said (Secretary), J. Berciano, J. Bogousslavsky, G. Comi, D.A.S. Compston, S. Di Donato, H.-P. Hartung, G. J. Hildebrand (President Elect), C. Kennard, C. Krarup, D. Leys, I. Milonas, Ph. Scheltens, A. Steck, F.G.A. van der Mechè, J. van Gijn (Past President)

9th Meeting of the ENS, Milano, Italy, 1999
G. Scarlato, Congress President
Executive Committee: G. J. Hildebrand (President), G. Said (Secretary), J. Berciano, J. Bogousslavsky, G. Comi, D.A.S. Compston, R. Hohlfeld, C. Krarup, D.Leys, E. Melamed, I. Milonas, Ph. Scheltens, J. Wokke, D.H. Miller (Journal of Neurology ex officio Member)
10th Meeting of the ENS, Jerusalem, Israel, 2000
O. Abramsky, Congress President
Executive Committee: S. DiDonato (President), G. Said (Secretary), J. Berciano, J. Bogousslavsky, P. Boon, G. Comi, A. Czlonkowska, H.-C. Diener, G. J. Hildebrand (Past President), R. Hohlfeld, C. Krarup, D. Leys, E. Melamed, I. Milonas, Ph. Scheltens, A. Steck, K.V. Toyka (President Elect)

11th ENS Meeting, Paris, France, 21-25 April 2001
2400 participants
Executive Committee
President: Klaus V. Toyka
Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: José Berciano, Julien Bogousslavsky, Paul Boon, Giancarlo Comi, Anna Czlonkowska, Stefano di Donato, Hans-Christoph Diener, Georg J. Hildebrand Reinhard Hohlfeld, Christian Krarup, Didier Leys, Eldad Melamed, Ioannis Milonas, Philip Scheltens, Andreas Steck, Thomas Brandt, D. H. Miller
Local Organizing Committee
Yves Agid, Marie-Germaine Bousser, Pierre Cesaro, C.-F. Degos, J.-D. Degos, H. Dehen, Jean-Yves Delattre, Olivier, Lyon-Caen, Jean-Louis Mas, Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny, Guillaume Rancurel, Etienne Roullet, Marie-José Vidailhet
12th Meeting of the ENS, Berlin, Germany, 22-26 June 2002
3480 participants
Executive Committee
President: D.A.S. Compston
Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: Paul Boon, Giancarlo Comi, Anna Czlonkowska, Stefano di Donato, Hans-Christoph Diener, Franz Fazekas, Reinhard Hohlfeld, Marie-Hélène Marion, Eldad Melamed, Ioannis Milonas, Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, Philip Scheltens, Andreas Steck, Klaus V. Toyka, Josep Valls-Solé
Local Organizing Committee
Ulrich Dirnagl, H. Kettenmann, Bernd-Ulrich Meyer, Robert Nitsch, B. Schmitz, Klaus V. Toyka, Arno Villringer
13th Meeting of the ENS, Istanbul, Turkey 14-18 June 2003
2469 participants
Executive Committee
President: Christian Krarup
Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: Paul Boon, David A. S. Compston, Anna Czlonkowska, Hans-Christoph Diener, Michael Donaghy, Franz Fazekas, José Ferro, Reinhard Hohlfeld, Marie-Hélène Marion, Eldad Melamed, Gustave Moonen, Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, Andreas Steck, Klaus V. Toyka, Josep Valls-Solé
Local Organizing Committee
Fehim Arman, Murat Emre, Cumhur Ertekin, Gencay Gürsoy, Egemen Idiman, Fethi Idiman, Ceyla Irkec, Tülay Kansu, Rana Karabudak, Nermin Mutluer, Erhan Ogul, Gazi Özdemir, Yakup Sarlca, Aksel Siva, Ersin Tan, Önder Us
14th Meeting of the ENS, Barcelona, Spain 30 May - 3 June 2004
2724 participants
Executive Committee
President: Eduardo Tolosa
Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: Zohar Argov, Paul Boon, David A. S. Compston, Detlef Yves von Cramon, Anna Czlonkowska, Hans-Christoph Diener, Michael Donaghy, Franz Fazekas, José Ferro, Christian Krarup, Marie-Hélène Marion, Gustave Moonen, Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, Andreas Steck, Josep Valls-Solé
Local Organizing Committee
Nolasc Acarìn, José Angel Berciano, Rafael Blesa, Francesc Graus, Isabel Illa, Maria Josefa Martì, José Luis Molinuevo, J. E. Muñoz, Adolfo Pou, Francesco Valldeoriola, Juan Vìlchez, Juan Zarranz
15th Meeting of the ENS, Vienna, Austria 18-22 June 2005
1717 participants
Executive Committee
President: Ioannis Milonas
Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: Zohar Argov, Claudio Bassetti, Detlef von Cramon, Michael Donaghy, Christian Elger, Franz Fazekas, José Ferro, Christian Krarup, Marie-Hélène Marion, Gustave Moonen, Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, Riccardo Soffietti, Andreas Steck, Eduardo Tolosa, Josep Valls-Solé
Local Organizing Committee
Franz Aichner, Eduard Auff, Wolfgang Grisold, Regina Katzenschlager, Bruno Mamoli, Erwin Ott, Werner Poewe, Gerhard Ransmayr, Reinhold Schmidt, Klaus Toyka, † Karl Vass
16th Meeting of the ENS, Lausanne, Switzerland 27-31 May 2006
2247 participants
Executive Committee
President: Giancarlo Comi & Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: Zohar Argov, Ovidiu Bajenaru, Claudio Bassetti, Detlef von Cramon, Michael Donaghy, Christian Elger, José Ferro, Christian Krarup, Ioannis Milonas, Gustave Moonen, Yesim Parman, Riccardo Soffietti, Andreas Steck, Marie José D. Vidailhet
Local Organizing Committee
Claudio Bassetti, Julien Bogousslavsky, Ulrich Buettner, Rolf Gruetter, Christian Hess, Thierry Kuntzer, Theodor Landis, Andreas Steck, Barbara Tettenborn, François Vingerhoets
17th Meeting of the ENS, Rhodes, Greece 16-20 June 2007
2773 participants
Executive Committee
President: Giancarlo Comi & Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: Zohar Argov, Ovidiu Bajenaru, Claudio Bassetti, Hannah Cock, Christian Elger, Massimo Filippi, Ludwig Kappos, Christian Krarup, Ioannis Milonas, Gustave Moonen, Yesim Parman, Heinz Reichmann, Elio Scarpini, Riccardo Soffietti, Andreas Steck, Marie José D. Vidailhet
Local Organizing Committee
Nikolaos Artemis, M. Bostantzopoulou, Aristidis Kazis, Ioannis Milonas, A. Papadimitriou, Andreas Plaitakis, C. Potagas, Nikolaos Taskos, Dimitros Vassilopoulos, N. Vladikidis

18th Meeting of the ENS, Nice, France 7-11 June 2008
3233 participants
Executive Committee
President: Gustave Moonen & Secretary General: Gérard Said
Members: Zohar Argov, Ovidiu Bajenaru, Claudio Bassetti, Hannah Cock, Giancarlo Comi, Christian Confavreux, Christian Elger, José Ferro, Massimo Filippi, Ludwig Kappos, Christian Krarup, Yesim Parman, Heinz Reichmann, Elio Scarpini, Riccardo Soffietti, Andreas Steck, Marie José D. Vidailhet
Local Organizing Committee
Henri Becker, Michel Borg, Marcel Chatel, Claude Desnuelle, Romain Gouirand, Christine Lebrun-Frenay, Bertrand Mercier, Jean-Philippe Muller, Sabrina Sacconi, Pierre Thomas

19th Meeting of the ENS, Milan, Italy 20-24 June 2009
2670 participants
Executive Committee
President: José Ferro
Secretary General: Gustave Moonen
Members: Claudio Bassetti, Massimo Filippi, Ludwig Kappos, Heinz Reichmann, Gerard Said, Elio Scarpini, Andreas Steck, Marie José D. Vidailhet
Local Organizing Committee
Alberto Albanese, Giorgio Bernardi, Giorgio Bono, Nereo Bresolin, Nicola Canal, Erminio Capitani, Vittorio Cosi, Carlo Ferrarese, Antonio Federico, Claudio Mariani, Giovanni Meola, Arrigo Moglia, Alessandro Padovani, Salvatore Smirne

20th Meeting of the ENS, Berlin, Germany 19-23 June 2010 3011 participants
3011 participants
Executive Committee
President: Gérard Said
Secretary General: Gustave Moonen
Members: Zohar Argov, Claudio Bassetti, Hannah Cock, José Ferro, Massimo Filippi, Ludwig Kappos, Heinz Reichmann, Evzen Ruzicka, Elio Scarpini, Aksel Siva, Andreas Steck, Guido Stoll, Marie José D. Vidailhet
Local Organizing Committee
Heinrich Audebert, Stephan Brandt, Matthias Endres, Martin Holtkamp, Johannes Jungehülsing, Eric Jüttler, Andreas Kupsch, Andreas Meisel, Thomas Meyer, Christian Nolte, Christoph Ploner
21st Meeting of the ENS, Lisbon, Portugal 28-31 June 2011
3428 participants
Executive Committee
President: Zohar Argov
Secretary General: Gustave Moonen
Members: Kailash Bhatia, Claudio Bassetti, Hannah Cock, Massimo Filippi, Ludwig Kappos, Heinz Reichmann, Evzen Ruzicka, Gerard Said, Elio Scarpini, Aksel Siva, Andreas Steck, Guido Stoll
Local Organizing Committee
Miguel Baptista, Patricia Canhão, Maria Carvalho, Luis Cunha, Antonio Bastos Lima, Isabel Pavão Martins, Joao Sá, V. Salgado, Ana Sena, Mario Veloso, Ana Verdelho

22nd Meeting of the ENS, Prague, Czech Republic 9-12 June 2012
2965 participants
Executive Committee
President: Heinz Reichmann
Secretary General: Gustave Moonen
Members: Zohar Argov, Claudio Bassetti, Kailash Bhatia, Hannah Cock, Marianne Dieterich, Massimo Filippi, Ludwig Kappos, Evzen Ruzicka, Elio Scarpini, Aksel Siva, Guido Stoll, Ana Verdelho
Local Organising Committee
Josef Bednařík, Petr Kaňovský, Martin Bojar, Ivan Rektor, Eva Havrdová, Jan Roth, Robert Jech, Karel Šonka, Pavel Kalvach, Josef Vymazal

23rd Meeting of the ENS, Barcelona, Spain, 8-11 June 2013
Executive Committee
President: Claudio Bassetti
Secretary General: Gustave Moonen
Members: Kailash Bhatia, Hannah Cock, Marianne Dieterich, Franz Fazekas, Ludwig Kappos, Davide Pareyson, Heinz Reichmann, Evzen Ruzicka, Aksel Siva, Guido Stoll, Josep Valls-Solé, Ana Verdelho
Local Organizing Committee
Mar Carreño, Oscar Fernandez, M. T. Gómez-Isla, Francesc Graus, Isabel Illa, Jaime Kulisevsky, Carlos Molina, Alfredo Rodríguez-Antiguedad, Jaume Sastre-Garriga, Mar Tintoré