Speakers of the Brain Health Summit 2024

Claudio Bassetti
Past-President of European Academy of Neurology, Chair of Swiss Brain Health Plan
Claudio Bassetti has been full professor and chair of neurology at the University Hospital in Bern since 2012. He received his medical degree in Basel and trained in neurology in Bern and Lausanne. In 2000, he became professor and vice-chair of neurology in Zurich, and in 2009 he founded the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland. His major scientific interests are the relationship between sleep and neurological disorders, narcolepsy, and the teaching of general neurology. Prof. Bassetti has previously served as president of the European Neurological Society, European Sleep Research Society and Swiss Neurological Society, and founded the Swiss Federation of Clinical Neurosocieties. He is an elected member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, which he served as board member for eight years.

Thomas Berger
Chair of Scientific Committee European Academy of Neurology
Thomas Berger is the Chair of the Scientific Committee at the European Academy of Neurology. He is a professor of neurology and Chair of the Department of Neurology and the Comprehensive Center for Clinical Neurosciences & Mental Health at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. Prof. Berger began his career in 1992 at the Department of Experimental Neuropathology and Neuroimmunology in Vienna. In 1995, he moved to the Department of Neurology at the Medical University of Innsbruck and continued his academic track receiving his board certification in neurology and psychiatry in 1998, and his ‘habilitation’ in 2003. His scientific interests focus on clinical neuroimmunology, especially on autoimmune CNS disorders. Prof. Berger is also Past President of the Austrian Society of Neurology and chaired the local organising committee for the 7th EAN Congress in 2021.

Paul Boon
President of European Academy of Neurology
Paul Boon is the President of the European Academy of Neurology, a senior full professor of neurology and Director of 4Brain at Ghent University, Belgium. Prof. Boon is Chair of the Division of Head, Movement and Senses, as well as professor of Neuromodulation, at Eindhoven University of Technology. He obtained his medical degree from Ghent University and received additional training at Yale University. He is a Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology (FEAN). Prof. Boon’s main neurological interests are clinical epilepsy, neurological sleep disorders, quantitative EEG and MEG analysis and basic mechanisms of neuromodulation. He founded the 4Brain Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Neurophysiology, Neurobiology and Neuropsychology at Ghent University.

Tarun Dua
Head of Brain Health Unit, World Health Organisation
Tarun Dua is the Unit Head of Brain Health Unit in the Department of Mental Health and Substance Use at World’s Health Organization Headquarters. The aim of the unit is to promote optimal brain development, cognitive health and wellbeing for all, and prevention and management of neurological disorders across the life-course. The unit is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the intersectoral action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders.

Peter Falkai
Past - President of European Psychiatric Association
Peter Falkai is a professor of psychiatry and heads the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, with a multidisciplinary team of researchers, allowing the use of techniques ranging from functional imaging to gene expression in human post-mortem-tissue. His main research interest is focused on the neurobiology and treatment of psychotic disorders, namely schizophrenia. Besides his academic and clinical work, Prof. Falkai has held the position of past-president of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) and is a member of the board of the European Brain Council (EBC).

Wolfgang Grisold
President of World Federation of Neurology
Wolfgang Grisold is the President of the World Federation of Neurology, and a specialist for neurology and psychiatry. He was trained in Vienna, Austria. His special interests are general neurology, neuro-oncology, neuromuscular disease, education and patient related issues as pain, palliative care and advocacy. Prof. Grisold made significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of these conditions through clinical practice and research at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Vienna, Austria, and has contributed to over 200 peer-reviewed articles. In addition to his leadership role at the World Federation of Neurology, Prof. Grisold is actively involved in various neurology and oncology societies serves in advisory roles, leveraging his expertise to influence clinical practice and health policy.

Riadh Gouider
Honorary President of Pan Arab Union of Neurological Societies, Founding and member of African Academy of Neurology
Riadh Gouider is head of Neurology Department, the Alzheimer Center and the MS center at the Razi University Hospital in Tunis, Tunisia. He obtained his medical degree his medical degree in 1993, a Diploma of Neurology in 1994 and a Master in human genetics in 1999 from the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis. He also received a Diploma of Clinical Neurophysiology in 1993 from the Faculty of Medicine of Paris VI Salpetriere. He is the Honorary President of the Pan Arab Union of Neurological Societies (PAUNS), founding and honorary member of the African Academy of Neurology (AFAN). He is co-chair of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) Education Committee. He is fellow of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and fellow of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Prof. Gouider is foreign correspondent member in the French National Academy of Medicine (ANM). He is member of the Ad Hoc Experts Group on the Ethics of Neurotechnology of the UNESCO. He is member of the Expert Group for dementia in the World Health Organisation (WHO). His main fields of interest are Dementia, Multiple sclerosis, Neurogenetics, Epilepsy, and Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies.

Carlayne E. Jackson
President of American Academy of Neurology
Carlayne E. Jackson is the President of the American Academy of Neurology and a professor of neurology and otolaryngology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). She also serves as Chair of the Department of Neurology. As a medical director for the South Texas ALSA Center of Excellence, Prof. Jackson is involved in the Western ALS Study Group, Northeast ALS Research Group, and the Neuromuscular Study Group. She has contributed to over 70 multicentre clinical trials on ALS, muscular dystrophy, and myasthenia gravis, publishing more than 270 abstracts, journal articles, and book chapters.

Stephanie Kramer
Deputy Executive Director of European Brain Council
Stephanie Kramer is Deputy Executive Director of the European Brain Council, which represents a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies, and industry partners, at the European and global policy and advocacy levels. She joined EBC in March 2016 as part of the projects team, eventually making the move to heading the Communications, Advocacy & Policy team until 2023. Aside from the day to day, Stephanie continues to oversee the Communications & Advocacy work, with a more strategic role focused on EBC’s global partnerships portfolio, external relations, and larger-scale advocacy events.
Stephanie holds a Master of Law (LLM) in International Law from the University of Edinburgh, and a BA in International Relations & Diplomacy from Schiller International University Heidelberg & Madrid. An expat since childhood, before starting her career in the Brussels bubble, she had previous communications, external relations, and project management experience at the United Nations headquarters in Vienna and private sector companies in the Netherlands and Chile.

Matilde Leonardi
Board Member, Italian Society of Neurology, Italian Society of Neurology, Chair of Communication Committee European Academy of Neurology
Matilde Leonardi serves as the Chair of the Communication Committe at the European Academy of Neurology. Prof. Leonardi is a neurologist, paediatrician, neonatologist, and child neurologist, as well as specialist in bioethics. She is Director of Neurology and Public Health Unit and Coma Research Centre at IRCCS National Neurological Institute Besta, and a WHO expert on neurology, disability, ageing. Member of WHO-FIC (Family of International Classifications) Functioning and Disability Reference Group- FDRG and Director of the Italian WHO Collaborating Centre Research Branch. Prof. Leonardi is board member of several scientific societies and consultant on neurology, in particular disorders of consciousness and headaches, burden of neurological disorders, public health, UNCRPD monitoring and disability policy development, which are all her main research interests, for several European and non-European Governments.

Elena Moro
President-Elect of European Academy of Neurology
Elena Moro is the President-Elect of the European Academy of Neurology, a professor of neurology at the Department of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurological Rehabilitation of CHU Grenoble in France. She graduated in medicine at the University of Trieste, Italy, and completed her residency in neurology at the Rome Catholic University, after which she completed a fellowship in movement disorders in Grenoble, France. In 2012, she moved to Grenoble, France, where she is currently director of the Movement Disorders Center and head of the Department of Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurological Rehabilitation and Forensic Medicine. Her main research is focused on restoring brain function, especially with deep brain stimulation.

Mika Pyykkö
Executive Director of Finnish Brain Association
Mika Pyykkö is the Executive Director of the Finnish Brain Association. Having previously served, for example, as Director of the Centre of Expertise for Impact Investing at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland, his career showcases extensive experience in strategic management, health promotion and impact investing. Under his leadership, the Brain Association is expanding its strategic focus to encompass the broader promotion of brain health, as he advocates for proactive, preventive strategies and values genuine cooperation and joint development across organizations and stakeholders. Mr. Pyykkö was also in charge of coordinating the preparation of the National Brain Health Program, highlighting his commitment to advancing brain health at the national level.

Kevin Quaid
Co-Founder of Lewy Body Ireland
Kevin Quaid is the Chair of the Irish Dementia Working Group, the Vice Chair of the European Working Group of People with Dementia and, the Co-founder of Lewy Body Ireland. Kevin was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s, then later diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. After his diagnosis, he realised there was a lack of information about his condition, and wrote a book called “Lewy Body Dementia, Survival and Me”, followed by a second book called “I am KEVIN not Lewy”. As an active advocate, as well as motivational speaker that talks about the positive outlook on life, Kevin was presented with ‘The Presidential Award’ from Longford International College Ireland in 2022, for “his outstanding achievements in bringing awareness of Lewy Body Dementia not just in Ireland but globally too” and in November 2023 Kevin was awarded an Horary Doctorate of Philosophy by the Rushford College and the Longford international College.

Johan Van Overtveldt
Member of European Parliament
Johan Van Overtveldt is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), a journalist and politician affiliated with the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA). He notably served as the Minister of Finance of Belgium from 2014 to 2018.
Since 2019, Mr. Van Overtveldt has chaired the Committee on Budgets in the European Parliament and served on the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, playing a pivotal role as the Parliament's rapporteur on the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021–2027.

Jacques Reis
Vice - Chair Environmental Neurology Specialty Group, WFN
Jacques Reis is a Professor Conventionné in the Department of Neurology at the University of Strasbourg, where he taught an environmental health and medicine course for undergraduate's medicine students. Prof. Reis teaches Environmental Neurology (EN), a sub-discipline of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, that favors an interdisciplinary collaboration allowing a holistic approach to understanding the impact of environmental factors on the nervous system and their relationship with neurological diseases. Together with friends and colleagues, Prof. Reis created the first association dedicated to Environmental Neurology in 2001 in France. He is a currently Vice-Chair of the Environmental Neurology Specialty Group at the level of the WFN, which he contributed to launch in 2007.

Jan Schadrack
Therapeutic Area Head Neuroscience and Rare Diseases Roche
Jan Schadrack is an MD PhD and specialized in psychiatry and neuropharmacology. He joined Roche Global Medical Affairs in 2015 and serves as the Therapeutic Area Head Neuroscience and Rare Diseases. In the biopharmaceutical industry he held various Clinical Development and Medical Affairs roles and gained longstanding and profound experience in Neuroscience including rare neurological diseases. His two big passions are medicine and neuroscience, and he strongly believes that the possibilities of the biosciences and the digital age will rapidly transform the science and medical practice especially of nervous system disorders and numerous rare diseases.

Gudrun Schumacher
Board Member of Swiss Dravet Syndrome Association
Gudrun Schumacher is mother of a son with the rare disease Dravet Syndrome, Board Member of the Swiss Dravet Syndrome Association and member of the European Federation Dravet Syndrome. Gudrun Schumacher is joining the European Health Summit to share her personal perspective and story.
Beside her patient advocacy Gudrun Schumacher works as Global Head of Human Resources for CordenPharma (full service CDMO).

Marianne de Visser
Co-chair of Coordinating Panel on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, European Academy of Neurology
Marianne de Visser is a Neurologist and Emeritus Professor of Neuromuscular Diseases at the University of Amsterdam. For over 30 years, she led the neuromuscular group at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam, focusing on hereditary and acquired neuromuscular diseases. She played a key role in creating the post-graduate neuromuscular disorders’ curriculum for Dutch neurologists. Prof. De Visser has authored over 400 peer-reviewed scientific publications and contributions to medical books, holds editorial roles in several neurology journals, and held several leadership positions in (inter)national neurological organisations.