Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions for Registration for the 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology 2025 

June 21 – June 24, 2025, Helsinki, Finland


1. Scope of Application

1.1  These General Terms and Conditions stipulate the regulations for registration to the 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology 2025 (“EAN Congress 2025”) in Helsinki/Finland, hosted by the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), an association according to Austrian Law with its registered office in 1070 Vienna/Austria Breite Gasse 4/7 (hereinafter referred to as “EAN”).

1.2  Any contractual or legal declarations of the participant of EAN Congress 2025 (hereinafter referred to as "participant") or a third party deviating from these General Terms and Conditions shall not be part of the contract entered into with EAN, notwithstanding the consumption of the services offered by the participant and the payment of fees for such services.

1.3  The following EAN Registration Terms & Conditions apply to the EAN Congress 2025. Prior to your registration, you must acknowledge and accept the Terms & Conditions contained herein. Should you not wish to accept the Terms & Conditions you should not register.
1.4  EAN prohibits discrimination, harassment, and mobbing against any person for any reason—for example, because of age, ancestry, colour, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual or affectional orientation, gender identity, appearance, matriculation, political affiliation, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

1.5  In consideration of being allowed to register for, and participate in the EAN Congress 2025, participants confirm that they are age 18 or above. 

1.6  If one or more of the conditions outlined in these Terms & Conditions should become invalid, the remaining conditions will continue to be valid and apply. These Terms & Conditions apply to all event participants (attendees, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors).


2. Scope of EAN Congress 2025 and COVID-19 related restrictions

2.1  EAN Congress 2025 is planned to be held be held onsite in Helsinki/Finland (subject to current and legal possibility) and virtually in parallel.

2.2  If the onsite congress cannot take place for reasons that are not in the sphere of influence of the EAN, the congress will take place virtually only.

2.3  If, for any reason, including but not limited to governmental regulations, access to the Congress venue (Messukeskus) of the EAN Congress 2025 is limited to a certain number of persons, only the number of persons permitted shall be granted access to the Congress centre on a first come first serve basis. Not being granted access to the Congress centre shall not entitle the participant to any refund of participation fee already paid.

2.4  In order to avoid the spread of COVID-19, EAN shall be entitled to restrict access to the Congress venue of the EAN Congress 2025 according to persons who are not fully and duly vaccinated against COVID-19 or recovered from an infection with COVID-19 according to the current Finnish laws and governmental restrictions. An additional Covid-19 testing can be required to access the Congress venue of the EAN Congress 2025. The respective requirements to access the Congress venue of the EAN Congress 2025 will be published on 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology - Helsinki 2025 - ean.org

2.5  Not being granted access to Congress venue of the EAN Congress 2025 due to missing proof of vaccination or recovery or COVID 19 testing as required by EAN or the local authorities shall not entitle the participant to any refund of participation fee already paid.

2.6  If necessary, according to governmental or legal authorities, EAN and subcontractors of EAN required to provide EAN Congress 2025 services, shall be entitled to collect and save a proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or of a certificate of recovery from a COVID-19 infection and/or of a negative test result.


3. Registration

3.1  In 2025 EAN offers two types of registration:
a. Onsite participation including virtual access to EAN Congress 2025 (“Onsite registration”)
b. Virtual interactive access to EAN Congress 2025 (“Virtual registration”)

3.2  Registration for the EAN Congress 2025 is to be made electronically via creation of an MyEAN account and using the respective registration tool provided on the EAN website (www.ean.org). Registrations received via other communication channels cannot be processed.

3.3  A contractual relationship subject to these Terms and Conditions is entered into between EAN and the participant. If the payment of the participant’s registration fee is to be invoiced to and borne by a third party such as a university, an operator of a hospital or other health care institution or a business corporation, the contractual relationship subject to these Terms and Conditions is entered into between EAN and such third party.

3.4  Participants requesting to have the registration fee invoiced to a third-party warrant and guarantee to be provided with the respective power of attorney by the third party to enter into the contract with EAN subject to these General Terms and Conditions and the third party’s consent to cover the participant’s registration fee. In the event of the third party’s refusal to cover the participant’s registration fee, the participant shall affect payment of the participation fee upon EAN’s first request.

3.5  Upon registration on behalf of third persons, the registering person warrants and guarantees to be entitled to execute such registrations according to these General Terms and Conditions in the name and on behalf of such third persons by proxy and to declare any and all approvals and consents required according to these General Terms and Conditions in the third person’s name and behalf.

3.6  Upon registration, the participant shall receive an e-mail including an order confirmation only.

3.7  The participant's registration for EAN Congress 2025 shall not become effective until EAN has received the full due registration fee payment.

3.8  Payment of the individual registration fee can be made either by bank transfer, PayPal or by credit card (VISA or MasterCard).

3.9  Upon payment of the registration fee by credit card or PayPal, the participant will receive a confirmation e-mail including the original invoice.

3.10    If bank transfer is the chosen method of payment for registration, the recipient will receive a confirmation of registration by e-mail upon completion of registration. Registration fees depend on the date EAN receives the respective payment at the account stated below and will be adjusted accordingly or cancelled if EAN does not receive the payment at the relevant deadline.

The registration fee is to be paid to

Name of account holder: European Academy of Neurology
IBAN: AT83 5400 0002 1400 7650
Bank Name: Oberoesterreichische Landesbank Aktiengesellschaft
Bank ID: 54000
Swift Code: OBLAAT2L

3.11  Registrations paid via bank transfer after 29th of May 2025 will not be possible. Any open registration bookings with bank transfer as the chosen method of payment for registrations will be cancelled by EAN.

3.12  For Registrations paid via bank transfer, invoices will only be issued after receipt of the full payment within the relevant deadlines to the bank account as mentioned 3.10.

3.13  The recipient's name and payment reference as stated on the order confirmation must be provided as a reference on the bank transfer document. Any bank charges incurred are to be paid by the participant. Payment via bank transfer must be finalised within 14 days upon completion of registration. This in turn does not extend applicable deadlines.

3.14  Payment by cheque or in cash is not accepted.

3.15  Registration to EAN Congress 2025 is non-transferable. New registration and payment are required.

3.16  Unless mandatory law providing otherwise, EAN will not refund any registration fees once registration and payment have been completed, including in cases of special offers or membership-related changes.


4. Force Majeure

If, for any reason, holding EAN Congress 2025 at the indicated dates becomes impossible due to reasons of force majeure, including but not limited to blackout, strikes, natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, government regulations, internet failure or hacker attack, there will be no refund of registration fees already paid. EAN’s obligation to perform EAN Congress 2025 remains unaffected and EAN is entitled to postpone EAN Congress 2025 until such time the event of force majeure no longer exists or to organise a virtual Congress only.

Holding the EAN Congress 2025 virtual only will automatically transfer all “Onsite Registrations” into “Virtual Registrations”.

The difference between “Onsite Registrations” and “Virtual Registrations” will be refunded within 4 weeks after the Congress had been held.


5. Right of withdrawal

5.1  Participants being consumers and entering the contract with EAN in their own name and own behalf have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without giving any reasons. This 14-day withdrawal period begins on the day the contract is concluded. Regarding participants whose participation fee is borne by a third party and such third party entering into the contract with EAN, no right of withdrawal is granted.

5.2  In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the participant must inform the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), Breite Gasse 4/7, 1070 Vienna, Austria, (e-mail: registration(at)ean.org), by means of a clear statement of the decision to withdraw from the contract. The withdrawal period is respected if the participant sends his declaration of withdrawal within the withdrawal period. For this purpose, the following sample form may be used.

5.3  WITHDRAWAL FORM (Sample) To:

European Academy of Neurology
Breite Gasse 4/7, 1070 Vienna, Austria
(e-mail: registration(at)ean.org)

I hereby revoke the contract concluded by me for the participation in EAN Congress 2025.
Contract concluded on (date of order):
Order confirmation number:
Name of the participant:
Address of the participant:
Signature of the participant (only when notified on paper): Date:

5.4  Consequences of the cancellation

If the participant withdraws from this contract, EAN will refund to such participant any payments EAN has received from him upon notice without delay and at the latest four weeks after the last day of the Congress. For the refund, EAN uses the same payment method that the participant selected in the original transaction, unless otherwise agreed with the participant; EAN will not charge such participant any fees for this refund process. After withdrawal, the respective service cannot be accessed.

5.5  Exclusion of the right of withdrawal

Granting access to EAN Congress 2025 falling within delivery of digital content not stored on a physical data carrier, the right of withdrawal is excluded if the participant has requested access to EAN Congress 2025 prior to the expiry of the withdrawal period.
Having requested access to EAN Congress 2025 prior to the expiry of the 14 days withdrawal period valid for participants being consumers, the right of the participant being a consumer to withdraw from the contract is excluded.


6. Registration Fees

6.1  Registration fees shall be determined by the date of registration, the date of payment of the registration fee and the registration category and by type of registration (Onsite registration; virtual registration).

6.2  All registration fees for EAN Congress 2025 can be found on EAN’s website 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology - Helsinki 2025 - ean.org

6.3  All registration fees for EAN Congress 2025 are including VAT as stated on 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology - Helsinki 2025 - ean.org

6.4  The respective registration fees shall only be valid if registration is submitted, and full payment is received by EAN as at the respective deadline. Failure to meet the relevant deadline will render the relevant invoice document invalid and no confirmation of payment will be issued.

6.5  To attend EAN Congress 2025 as an EAN member, membership fees with EAN for the year 2025 must be settled and approved by May 31, 2025.
6.6  Residents:
Residents must be Resident and Research members to benefit from the reduced resident fee. RRFS membership fee must be settled and approved May 31,2025.

6.7  Registration as student:
Student registration is only available to student members of EAN. Membership must be settled and approved by May 31, 2025.


7. Access to EAN Congress 2025 and terms of use

7.1  To access EAN Congress 2025, a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited license to the participant named in the contract is granted only for personal use and for the duration stated in the description of services on the EAN website.

7.2  The materials made available during EAN Congress 2025 may only be displayed on one single user screen (personal computer, tablet) per participant at a time.

7.3  The participant’s myEAN account granting access to EAN Congress 2025 may not be transferred to a third person and access data may not be disclosed.

7.4  The participants’ congress badge/onsite registration granting access to EAN Congress 2025 onsite may not be transferred to a third person.

7.5  The content presented at EAN Congress 2025 contains material contributed or licensed by individuals, companies, or organisations that may be protected by Austrian and foreign copyright laws. Participants shall not reproduce, archive, modify, distribute, publicly perform, publish or license any of the content and information available on EAN Congress 2025 or obtained from or through EAN Congress 2025. Participant shall not create derivative works or offer them for sale.

7.6  Participants shall not bypass, remove, change, downgrade, disable or prevent any copy protection in the EAN Congress 2025 service. Participants shall not use robots, spiders, web scraping, or other automated operations to access the EAN Congress 2025 service. Participants shall not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble any software or any other product or process accessible through the EAN Congress 2025 service. Participants shall not insert any code or other product or otherwise tamper with the EAN Congress 2025 service. Participants shall not use data mining, data collection or other extraction methods. Participants shall not upload, post, email, or otherwise send or transmit any content that interferes with, suspends or restricts the operation of any computer software/hardware or telecommunications equipment in connection with the EAN Congress 2025 service. This also applies to any software viruses or other codes, files, and programs.

7.7  In the event of violation of these terms of use according to this Section 6 of the General Terms and Conditions, or in the event of use in an illegal or fraudulent manner, EAN may terminate or restrict participant’s use of and access to the EAN Congress 2025.

7.8  Onsite Participants of the EAN Congress 2025 are not obliged to allow industry partners to scan their badge in the exhibition area or when entering an industry session. Onsite Participants of the EAN Congress 2025 must show their badge for of the purpose of verifying access rights, but are not obliged to consent to scanning. By permitting an industry partner to scan their badge, participants expressly consent to the transfer of their registration details to the exhibitor or industry partner and further agree to receive communications from the exhibitor or industry partner as a result of this consent.

7.9  During the EAN Congress 2025, participants may be photographed, videoed, or recorded by the organiser or its partners while capturing the event. Some of these photographs or videos may be used by EAN or its partners in publications or materials related to the event, such as websites, news blogs, or social media platforms. By participating in the EAN Congress 2025 and entering the venue, you consent to the recording and free use of your image, voice, and name in any photographs or videos in which you appear.

7.10  Upon EAN providing the participant with instructions to use, the participant is obliged to follow the instructions given.

7.11  The cost for using the virtual registration and of setting up the online connection and maintaining it on the participant’s side is borne by the participant. EAN shall not be liable for the security and continuity of data communication that are conducted over third party communication networks. EAN shall not be liable for disruptions in data transmission caused by technical errors or configuration problems on the participant’s side.

7.12 Onsite participation fee does not include any travel, accommodation and/or any other costs arising before/during or after the EAN Congress 2025. Detailed information on services included in registration fees can be found on 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology - Seville 2025 - ean.org


8. Certificate of Attendance/Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Any confirmation or certification related to EAN Congress 2025 will be available after the congress via the www.myean.org account.

Only persons who are authorized for CME accreditation will be able to download and print the CME confirmation after the congress. Detailed instructions on how to claim CME credits can be found on www.ean.org.


9. Warranty and Liability

9.1  EAN Congress 2025 and all information, content and materials and other services included or otherwise made available to the participant in the course of EAN Congress 2025 are provided by EAN on an "as is" and "as available" basis. EAN makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of EAN Congress 2025, or the information, content, materials or other services included or otherwise made available to the participant through EAN Congress 2025 services.

9.2  To the full extent permissible by law, EAN disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. EAN does not warrant that the EAN Congress 2025 services, information, content, materials or other services included or otherwise made available to the participant through the EAN Congress 2025 services, EAN’s servers or electronic communications sent from EAN are free of viruses or other harmful components. To the full extent permissible by law, EAN will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of any EAN service, or from any information, content, materials or other services included or otherwise made available to the participant through any EAN service.


10. Place of Performance/Applicable Law/Place of Jurisdiction

10.1  The place of performance of any duties and obligations for both the EAN and the participant sides shall be Vienna.

10.2  Any contractual relationship with EAN shall be subject to Austrian law, with the exception of the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods.

10.3  The place of jurisdiction shall be Vienna, Austria. EAN shall also be
entitled to pursue any claim before the courts of law comp5etent for the defendant's domicile or general residence.