
Press at EAN 2025 

EAN welcomes the interest of press and media in relation to EAN 2025. 

Our dedicated press team are on hand to support press registration for the congress and to support the needs and requirements of media members in securing expert commentary relating to the meeting’s hottest topics. For EAN 2025, press members will have the opportunity to attend either onsite – at the MESSUKESKUS  in Helsinki – or virtually. 

Press Registration – onsite and online! 

We strongly advise journalists who wish to attend – onsite, virtually, or both – to complete press registration in advance of the meeting. Registration is free of charge and will provide journalists with the ability to access the entire scientific programme, the virtual press briefing, and schedule 1-2-1 expert interviews before, during and after the congress. For press who attend onsite in Helsinki, there will be a dedicated Press Centre available for you to conduct your work away from the main halls. 

All registered journalists will be sent an official EAN Press Pack prior to the meeting, which will include press releases covering the most exciting topics due to be presented. 

Please note that registering while the congress is already in progress may result in delays in gaining accreditation and therefore in your ability to access the scientific programme. 

To submit a request for registration, please complete our online form or email press(at) and include the following 

  • Full name 
  • Company or publication 
  • Country 
  • Email address (must match the one used for your myEAN account)
  • A copy of your valid press card or letter of assignment 
  • Whether you plan to attend the congress onsite in Helsinki or virtually (we understand that this may change, which is absolutely fine and will not impact your registration. Virtual access is included with onsite registration) 

Please note that for your registration to be processed, you must have a myEAN account (free of charge and quick to set up, here). The email address you provide in your registration request must be the same one associated with your account. 

A member of our press team will follow up to confirm your registration. 

Press Office 

The opening hours of our onsite press office are as follows: 

  • Saturday - 08:00 - 19:00 
  • Sunday - 08:00 - 19:00 
  • Monday - 08:00 - 19:00 
  • Tuesday - 08:00 - 17:00 

We kindly request that all press attendees check in with us at the press office on their first day at EAN 2025. 

Abstracts and Embargos

Accepted abstracts are made available to the public online in advance of the EAN Congress and are published in a supplement of the June issue of the European Journal of Neurology. Information contained in those abstracts is under embargo until the supplement is published on Friday 20 June 2025 18:30 EEST.

Press Releases

Official EAN press releases will be made available via the website in due course. All registered journalists attending EAN 2025 will also receive a full press pack including EAN press releases via email from the EAN press office. 


If you have any press-related queries about EAN 2025, please email press(at)