
Important registration information

By the presenting author registration deadline, 16 April, presenting authors of this presentation type must register for on-site participation.

ePoster Area

As the ePoster Area can get very busy, you may experience difficulties hearing the presentations without earbuds. We kindly ask participants planning to attend sessions at the ePoster Area to bring a pair of earbuds/earphones. 

In case you forget to bring a pair of earbuds/earphones, EAN Bluetooth Earbuds are available for purchase at the registration desk.

Your ePosters will be available throughout the congress on the poster screens at the ePoster Area and will be open for viewing and discussion to your colleagues outside of scheduled sessions.

Presenting at the Congress

ePosters duration: 3 Minutes (2 minutes for presentation immediately followed by 1 minute for live Q&A)

All presentations at the congress have dedicated scheduled slots. Your presentation will be followed by a live Q&A where the session chairperson(s) will answer questions from the live audience and through the chat function of the Virtual Congress Platform. Session chairpersons are at liberty to cut off any presentation that exceeds the given time frame to maintain the congress schedule. Presenters are kindly asked to be present for the entirety of the session for which their abstract has been accepted to ensure interaction with the audience.

For the face-to-face congress, the dress code is business casual.

Presentation format

Filetype: ePoster must be a single-page 16:9 PDF in landscape orientation with narration.

Please be aware that the ePoster narration is needed to complete your presentation On-Demand. On-site ePoster presentations will take place in the ePoster Area, where the narration will not be played, as the presenter will hold the presentation live.

Structure: Title, Conflicts of Interest, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Keep the content of each relevant section of your single-page PDF simple. The Conflicts of Interest section must include the name of the supporting company or institution. All presentations must be unbranded. Specifically, presentations may not contain logos of pharmaceutical companies or industry leaders.

If needed, add QR codes for links or embed videos to your presentation. Carefully follow the instructions sent to you by EAN Head Office and technical providers.

ePosters sent via email cannot and will not be processed. There is no ePoster template for the EAN 2025 Congress. Be aware of font and image sizes, as ePosters will be displayed on plasma screens at the ePoster Area at the Congress.

Presentation upload

Following the acceptance of the abstract, all presenters (Invited Presentations, Oral Presentations, ePresentations, ePosters and ePoster virtual presentations) will receive an individualised scheduling notification. Subsequently, each presenter will receive an informative email containing information on the presentation process for the 2025 Congress that includes an upload link as well as technical instructions. All ePosters must be uploaded to our system via the Virtual Speakers’ Centre. Presentations sent via email cannot and will not be processed.

  • All ePosters must be uploaded to our system via the Virtual Speakers’ Centre. Presentations sent via email cannot and will not be processed.
  • The material needs to be uploaded via a personalized link that will be sent to all presenters by the given deadline in the informational email. See ‘Important Dates’ for details.
  • Upload your presentation as soon as possible after acceptance to ensure that the presentation can be played in the session hall. Presentation slides must be uploaded 3 hours before the presentation slot, at the very latest.
  • If needed, technical support will be made available to all presenters. Indicate abstract ID, title, as well as the full name of the presenter in all communication with EAN Headoffice or technical partners.


Session structure for all presentation

  • All ePoster must be uploaded to our system via the Virtual Speakers’ Centre.
  • ePosters must be 2 minutes in length (as indicated in your information mailing) to ensure smooth development of programme and interaction with the audience at the congress. If your presentation exceeds the 2-minute limit, you will forfeit the time for Q&A. Presentations that are too short will disrupt the laminar flow of the programme.
  • At the beginning of the scheduled timeslot of the session, the session chairperson may open the session and introduce the speakers.
  • After each 2-minute presentation, 1 minute is reserved for discussion with the chairperson and audience to complete the 3-minute presentation slot.
  • Lecturers and chairpersons therefore need to be present for the full session.
  • For the full session, all participants can contribute to the session and ask questions. The chairperson will take the last minutes to address any last-minute questions and formally close the session.