Sustainability at the EAN Congress 2023, Budapest
As a leading association in the field of Neurology we always aim to be pioneers in reinventing new approaches on how to meet and exchange scientific knowledge. Environmental Changes make it necessary to reduce our footprints as good as possible.
We believe in reducing, reusing and recycling resources is the best way to challenge ourself to work for a better tomorrow.
EAN therefore is taking following steps to foster a climate friendly meeting:
- Using reusable material for EAN booths and EAN Neurohood made of cardboard instead of temporary constructions made of plastic and alloy.
- Reduce print materials (e.g. Final Programmes)
- Green print - The print materials of this congress have been printed on paper that is PEFC approved. PEFC is an organisation that certifies paper manufacturers who keep to sustainable forest management criteria.
Reducing print - The printed programme has been replaced with the Pocket Programme available for all onsite congress participants.
Furthermore, we are working on sustainable onsite constructions made of cardboard, reducing the amount of printed material (e.g. bag inserts) and incenting invited speakers of EAN to travel by train to the event.
The complete programme can be found online in the Virtual Congress Platform where you can create your individual schedule.
We are also trying to use only recyclable tableware. We kindly invite participants to bring their own refillable water bottles or on the go coffee cups with them to save resources.
Offset your carbon footprint - You can contribute to our ecological efforts by offsetting the carbon footprint of your travels to Budapest. A carbon offset represents a reduction in emissions somewhere else. You can learn more and offset your carbon footprint at:
If you want to know more about sustainability actions of EAN click here:
We are doing our best and there is still much to learn. We will be happy to hear your ideas; please do not hesitate to write to us at headoffice(at)
Congress Bags on demand
To reduce unnecessary waste, EAN asks Individual Congress participants and Registration Group Leaders if they want to recieve the congress bag(s). If you order a congress bag during the registration process, please collect it from the congress bag pick-up point in the entrance hall. This year's congress bags are produced in Vienna by Wörkerei, reusing textiles from our last congress.
The production of the Congress Bags for the Congress 2023 in Budapest is supported by Bial