Virtual Booth LEARN
When visiting the LEARN booth, you can find all educational aspects that underpin the EAN vision to be the Home of Neurology and advance high-quality patient care. From study programmes outside the EAN congress or grants to support projects in other European Neurological Departments or online learning possibilities.
The Education Committee and the Teaching Course sub-Committee are the two committees in charge of all educational aspects to fulfill EAN’s mission and aim to define the standard skills of a European neurologist and to provide as much education to European neurologists as needed.
The LEARN-Team will be happy to answer all your questions:
- Magda Dohnalová
- Magdalena Matczak
- Julia Mayer
- Rosina Preis
- Eveline Sipido
For general educational inquiries:
For requests concerning one of the EAN Schools, or to host an EAN-Day, RTCs:
For all information regarding the Research or Clinical Fellowships:
Don’t forget to evaluate the sessions you have visited at the virtual congress.
CME Certificates, including a record of attendance, will be available only to the participants of the live streamed sessions (23-26 May 2020) who have evaluated them immediately. Evaluation is possible until Tuesday, 26 May 2020, 23:59 CET.