Information on Abstract Book

  1. Changes in the abstract book (published in a supplement to the European Journal of Neurology) can only be made until 9 April 2020, 09:00 am CET. Change of presenters are possible online until the congress but will not be included in the abstract book.
  2. There is still an embargo on the Abstract Book. Please note that the embargo on all abstracts will be lifted officially on Friday, 22 May 2020, 18:30 CET. This is when the European Journal of Neurology including all Abstracts will be released on the EAN Website. If you want to include abstract content in some form of publication, please cite the European Journal of Neurology, Volume 27, Supplement 1, May 2020, to be published.
  3. As in previous years, the copyright of abstracts remains with the authors when published in the supplement to the European Journal of Neurology. Correct citation of the European Journal of Neurology is necessary when quoting from the abstract.


  1. Please report any presenter change at 
  2. If you would like to withdraw your abstract, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an email to We can withdraw the abstract from the abstract book until 9 April 2020 at the latest. Withdrawal from the online database is possible at all times.