Challenges for Women in Neurology
Challenges for Women in Neurology
Sunday, May 24, 13:00-14:30h in Room Paris
The aim of the event is to help identify and overcome the challenges that women may find during their academic and hospital career development in neurology. This event is mainly directed to female neurology residents and female neurologists at the beginning of their Career, but certainly men are more than welcome to attend. Understanding the challenges that women face is also important for their male colleagues, mentors and Chiefs.
In-between the pre-recorded lectures, there will be a live discussion of the faculty and interaction is possible via the chat-box.
Chairperson: Elena Moro, France & Antonella Macerollo, United Kingdom
AssProf. Nathalie Nasr from France
Nathalie Nasr is Associate Professor of Neurology at Toulouse University Hospital in France where she is Director of the TIA, Minor strokes and Neurosonology Unit.
She is coordinator of the national French e-learning program of Neurosonology, which is a specialty of the French Neurovascular Diploma directed by Jean Louis Mas, and leads a research program in INSERM unit U1048-08 entitled: «Impact of the autonomic nervous system on the regulation of cerebral circulation in cerebrovascular disease».
Furthermore, she implemented her research protocol to the regulation of the cerebral circulation in the context of space flights. She has authored 32 research papers and has given 17 invited national or international lectures
Nathalie Nasr is member of the Women In Stroke Initiative in Europe (WISE) which is part of European Stroke Organization.
She coordinates the program Ethics, deontology and scientific integrity at the University of Toulouse Paul Sabatier (France).

Prof. Njideka Ulumna Okubadejo from Nigeria
Njideka U. Okubadejo, MBChB, FMCP is Professor of Neurology and Consultant Neurologist at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos and Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Lagos State, Nigeria. She is Nigeria’s first female neurologist and first female Professor of Neurology.
An AAN Donald M. Palatucci Advocacy Leader (class of 2009) and 2015 awardee of the Society of Neuroscientists in Africa (SONA)/ IBRO in Neuroscience Award (West African Subregion), she is the current Chairperson of the Africa Section Steering Committee of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. She recently concluded her tenure as Chairperson of the Neurology Subspecialty of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Her main clinical and research interests are in neurodegenerative disorders and movement disorders (epidemiology and genetics).
She is passionate about mentorship, particularly of women in academics and neurology, encouraging them to push boundaries, disrupt existing stereotypes that hamper their work-life balance, while maintaining their genuine humaneness.

Prof. Cristina Tassorelli from Italy
Cristina Tassorelli,MD, Ph.D. is director of the Headache Science Centre and the Neurorehabilitation Unit at the IRCCS C. Mondino.
Full Professor of Neurology and Chair of Neurology at the University of Pavia, vice-chair of the Dept. of Brain and Behavioral Sciences and Director of the Residency Program in Neurology.
She has been Project Manager of the EU funded Comoestas Project and PI of the BIOMIGA Project, funded by the ERANET- Neuron call.
She has served as Director of the International Headache Society (IHS) and as chairman of the Standing Committee for Clinical Trials of the same Society. Currently, she is the President-elect of the IHS. She is also Chief Editor of the section Headache and Facial Pain of Frontiers in Neurology.
She has received several prizes for her work on headache and pain, including the Neurology Advocacy Award of the European Federation of Neurological Association in the category Health Professional.