European Journal of Neurology Jes Olesen Award
European Journal of Neurology Jes Olesen Award at the EAN Congress
Prof. Jes Olesen, former European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) President and founder of the European Journal of Neurology, has donated a prize fund of €200,000 to the EAN, to fund the new European Journal of Neurology Jes Olesen Award. The fund will be divided into ten prizes of €20,000, each of which will be presented annually over the next ten years to the best early-career author.
The best article submitted to the European Journal of Neurology in the previous year will be recognised with the award during the Highlights & Breaking News Session at the annual EAN Congress, where the awardee will also have the opportunity to present their work.
Original articles published in the previous calendar year are eligible for the European Journal of Neurology Jes Olesen award of the current year (e.g. articles published in 2024 will be eligible for the 2025 award)
Articles written by:
Trainees, residents, research fellows, or PhD students in neurology or other specialties related to neuroscience or clinical neurology (e.g. pharmacology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychiatry, psychology)
Neurology specialists who completed their training no longer than three years ago
The above-mentioned groups up to a maximum of ten years after receiving a license to practice medicine
Manuscripts from any region of the world are eligible.
Other types of articles are not eligible (review articles, short communications, letters, case reports, guidelines, editorials, and commentaries).
An award selection group, consisting of the Editor-in-Chief, Editors, the Chair of the EAN Scientific Committee, and an EAN RRFS representative will make a pre-selection.
The final decision of the winner will be made by the Editor-in-Chief and the EAN Scientific Committee chair.
The choice will be based on scientific quality, originality, and consequences for patients’ health or wellbeing.
Citations and downloads will not be considered in the selection process, to prevent any advantage for manuscripts published at the beginning of the year.
The award will be granted to the first author of the selected article. If there are co-first authors, it will be awarded to both, with the prize money divided equally between them.
The awardee receives the prize of €20,000 and a certificate. The presenting first author will also receive free registration, a travel grant, and three nights hotel accommodation for the following year’s EAN Congress.
The awardee will be invited to give an oral presentation of the selected paper at the Highlights & Breaking News session of the EAN Congress.